
It should've been IMPOSSIBLE for me to dislike a Marlins owner more than Loria but man, Jeter sure isn't stopping short of that mark.

LeBatard is one of the most consistent, entertaining voices at ESPN. Suspending him would only confirm and reinforce everything he said. 

I’ve made that merge. It's not easy. Jokes aside, he's lucky, and he'll hopefully find a football job. 

The core of it is co-op, same as the first two games. 

Progression-based free-roamer. You're welcome.

When I watched the series when I was much younger, 19, I deeply empathized with Shinji and the main takeaway I had was that, as hard and grueling and sad personal relationships could be, ultimately life is worth living because of them. Because the right ones can make your life incredible. I’d been in a major

Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck yes. 

For like 10 seconds I genuinely thought I’d stumbled into an old, old, OLD Kotaku article about  Starcraft: Ghost. 

People came out to see and were excited by Renteria and Conine and Sheffield and Hernandez in 1997.

There better be a Tower of Pimps somewhere.

Yeah but you’re not actually allowed to be happy or excited because as we all know the Warriors have already won the title and none of this matters. /s

Steve Curry should go ahead and let his twin Steph do all the basketballing from now on, thanks.

I live down here. I’ve never seen South Florida care less about the Marlins. You can usually find Marlins promotions and other fan shit cropping up about this time to get people into the park. There’s been nothing. I see nobody wearing Marlins gear, no car flags, no vanity plates or plate covers. The fucking Panthers h

Preach. On top of being everything that she is, she’s not even fucking good at the role. NRS just brought her on as one of those Big Name In Our Game stunts and it’s trash. 

Super impressive just how much of a dumbfuck Avenatti is. His “schemes” mainly consist of wearing a big ass sign around his neck that reads “DOING CRIMES LOL”. 

Bo and Pablo are so good at what they do. Clowning on Will Cain gives me the warm and fuzzies. 

The full experience is far different from the demo. Nero and Dante's full arsenals are insane and far, far beyond anything previous DMC games gave you.

It doesn’t matter how beefy Google’s data centers are, or how seamless their streaming is across whatever hardware you want to play on. Your ISP is the barrier here. Got low speeds, or a data cap, or can’t shell out the money to get out from under either limit? Stadia is absolutely worthless to you.

Kyrie can't really see beyond the horizon of his rhetoric because his thinking is pretty flat and easily debunked.

Easy joke: Don’t have to animate faces if everyone’s wearing headgear.