
Years ago, I was living in New Orleans, where we take Halloween (and indeed, any Drinking Occasion) very seriously, and my parents and grandmother happened to come in on November 1 for brunch on the top floor of an upscale local hotel. Afterward, we were riding back down in the elevator, and it stopped to let on a

It's true. I put on the outfit, and was like, hey, wait a second, I'm not 8 anymore. Why am I doing this?

Casual racism at a place with 'Fox' in the name... how unusual.

Remember a little while ago when Bill O'Reilly was running his mouth about, "Everyone talks about white privilege. Why don't we talk about Asian privilege?" Well, Bill, shit like this is fucking why.

THIS! I love when my boyfriend says I'm pretty. When strangers say it I assume they want to remove my skin and wear my face.

It's like a racial Victor Victoria.

Okay, this might be unpopular, and I understand if you ignore it. But I really dislike this post. Like, a lot.

I got married a year ago, and at the time I found there to be quite a bit of anti-wedding bias on the Jezebel editorial staff; a good deal of the wedding-related posts were mocking traditions or, worse,

Jesus, everyone, just be honest - you don't want to see me and my baby in public. Anywhere. Ever.

I'm immediately going to take a string of selfies of me doing random things and start showing them to people who insist on showing me picture after picture of their kids. "Cute kid! Oh look at these. Here's me giving a thumbs up while I watch SVU on Netflix. Oh and here's me playing with some lint I found on my

You sound like my kind of asshole. Keep babies away from my drunk brunch, for christ's sake, and we can all leave more peaceful, happier lives.

I wish you had a video of the beer being spilled on the baby, because I'm a terrible person.

This would all be fine except I've been at dive bars that for some reason have a brunch like special and heard parents angrily tell people to quit cursing in a "think of the children" way. If you bring your kid to a bar, expect bar behavior.

No. You have kids, you forfeit certain things. You want brunch? Go to a family restaurant. That's what they're there for.

I would much rather be embarrassed of a bad law than not learning from the obvious mistakes of that law. They struck that horrible law down and replaced it with one that protects everybody. They did that years before our Supreme Court struck down DOMA.

It was a dumb law, but it was only enacted in 1988, and repealed in 2000 for Scotland and 2003 for the rest of the UK.

"Undoing that insanely bullshit law doesn't absolve the UK from fault for passing it in the first place, nor for the massive harm it caused over its duration."

20 years ago, in the UK, stopped at Happy Eater on the M40, near Bicester. For those that don't know, Happy Eater (now it's Little Chef) is something of a misnomer— nobody is happy eating there. It's the only thing around. Doomed Eater doesn't really work though.

"And despite the apparent language barrier and translation issues, the teenagers' parting blow to me is "C*NT."

Are you absolutely certainly, certainly positive they weren't Australian?

If any of my fellow law lovers/self loathers want to read something that might restore a little bit of their faith in judges, please read (ok, skim) this amazing judgment from a Superior Court judge in the Niagara region. Came out a few days ago and is making the rounds with my colleagues. It's truly a work of

It's not mentioned here; I read about him on either Raw Story or Think Progress.

He's not HIV+. He has full blown AIDS. From what I've read, his time is very limited. But he should still be prosecuted, no doubt.