
Liverpool has pretty much continued with the boycott of the Sun to this day and the city and it’s residents have my full respect for that. (Side note: they’re also one of the most pro-Labour, anti-Tory places in the country. It’s amazing how people are so much less susceptible to conservative bullshit once Murdoch’s

They should be allowed to say mean things. They shouldn’t be allowed to make shit up, which they do. Every. Single. Day. I thought i was already very cynical about the tabloid press, but then a friend worked for one. The stories she told me were mind boggling. It was standard to just make up a quote, get someone in

I really wish the British public would actively boycott the publications deemed responsible, much as was done in the late 80s in protest of the Suns’ false headlines with regards to the Hillsborough disaster.  

Is this the result of male judges who buy their elections? Did the prosecutors sign-off on this? I hope there is outrage and election consequences.

A flat white isn't an Australian or NZ invention. It's also the least pretentious coffee you can get, it has nothing to do with microfoam. It is merely espresso with milk that isn't frothed at all, hence the FLAT white name.

Now you listen here young man. The flat white is INTEGRAL to the Australian experience. I am personally OFFENDED at your characterisation of this NATIONAL ICON and I hereby declare you UNAUSTRALIAN.

My mum explained sexual abuse to me in an incredibly helpful way by giving me an example of what would not be appropriate behaviour from an adult, but this was in relation to a very specific question I asked, rather than an unprompted discussion with her advising me what was acceptable.

Haha. I love the cut to the cat lying down curled up. That cat is like "Yeah I'm just gonna nap now, LMK when you're done with this futile enterprise."

I quickly read:

Poor Jeremy. It's probably because he finally realized that he loves me. Took him long enough.

Dear Moms of All Politicians Everywhere,

I wish every single pundit/politician on earth lived in fear of their mom calling them publicly on their shit.

Please edit this. This is happening TODAY, on MONDAY. Monday morning in the CBD of Sydney.

It's Monday here in Sydney (we live in the future!) The news broke around 9 or 10 this morning (it is 1pm now). Gawker reported it as happening on Sunday too. Please change this as it could be confusing for people familiar with different time zones. It makes it seem like the hostages have been kept overnight when

It's Monday in Sydney.

Man, that's such a shame. I've always preferred the company of older women. Y'all have the best stories and are generally way more honest. My thesis director is an older Louisiana woman (I'm a youngish Louisiana woman) and when I asked her for writing tips, she crinkled her brow and said, "Well, just write the damn

I'll be nice when you start being bubbly dammit is that too much to ask?


Are you referencing snowflake because YES I CRIED AT WORK.

A) This is ridiculously adorable.