
I bubble! I can bubble like a goddamn flute of Veuve! It's just slightly more difficult to do the bubble thang when one feels invisible, 'tis all. Will try harder though. Thank you.

Or — y'know — be nice to every bubbly older woman all the time. I myself am a bubbly older woman (okay, older woman), and being ignored is pretty much a given from most quarters.

I can't lie: I've shared this around. But — killjoy alert — I am bothered by the rise and rise of skippity goatlets — and other squee-inducing creatures — if only because there are bound to be a hefty selection of bottom feeders who'll decide that this is What They Want For Christmas, so they'll adopt/buy some poor

It would take an awfully big wodge of money to force me to eat this crap, but by golly, I love reading about it. Thanks, America.

Since when did it become okay to call out some silly little culture-appropriating singer from a completely different country, and expect her to comment intelligently — or at all — on this issue? I'm no Iggy fan, but puh-lease. Why does Ms Banks care about Iggy's opinion anyway?

I don't even know if anyone will read this, but an update: Phil Hughes passed away this morning. He never regained consciousness. The cricket world is in mourning.

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi Oi Oi!

Now playing

I'm sorry, I just had to share this. :)

Thank you for sharing this. A star just didn't seem enough.

The reason Europe 'gets it' is because European babies are much better behaved than a large proportion of the self-entitled exceptionalist Damien-inspired spawn I've seen in the US. Fact.

RIP. She was fabulous.

If you're a bloke, fine. Go nuts.

Thanks for that. I posted — to ask — whether it was HIV or AIDS because (as we know) there is a huge difference ... so this certainly puts everything into a different perspective. I didn't *get* — from the piece — that this idiot was in the full-blown stage, and that he was fucking with abandon in said stage. Thanks.

Okay, bit of a quibble, but AIDS, right? He's beyond the HIV status that many live and work and survive (and struggle) with? He's actually GOT the AIDS stage of the disease? Because there is a difference.

I'm 'B' but would like to see an 'I' in there. 'I' as in 'Intersex'. Just my 10p. :)

I hope everyone naysaying our system reads this. Thank you. :)

It happens. Sigh. It just happened to me. :(

That I did not know. I was only speaking from personal (English) experience here. :)

Absolutely no problem! I could see where you were coming from!

Dear yorkyboy.