
Yeah, I often see LGBTIA, and we use sexual minorities or SekuMai in Japanese. But GSM itself. GSM though makes me think of cell phones:

Being asexual it's weird because I'm never quite sure if I fit under the alphabet umbrella or not. I tend to prefer GSM (gender/sexual minorities) because it's more inclusive (and also a bit easier to say)

It may be petty, but as a bisexual (in case there's anyone left on here who didn't already know that about me!), I feel kind of left out by organizations that choose to use the specific words 'gay' and 'lesbian' in their names. :\

Read that as "Stephen Colbert shot himself" and almost had a heart attack.

many apologies it is aimed at america in general, mainly because I love near enough everything about the place except for its depictions of English people, the knave of hearts from once upon a time....that's what my county sounds like!! (English people love to whinge by the way!!)

I would suck the Presidents dick to be friends with Alan Cumming too! I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

because not all Americans are fat, not all Russians drink vodka, maybe the word I was looking for was sickofpeoplebeingfuckingstereotypicalaboutus because although we love tea, tea and crumpets just aren't a thing, and is there only one English accent to Americans? Because it seems like all English are from Oxford or

most british people want to stop funding them, for good reason

I'm firmly American and very type-A, etc... I am OUT-fucking-STANDING at waiting in lines though!!! I have been the first person for Black Friday, tv show tapings and other events... I pretty much just think, "What tie could I see someone lining up?" and then get on line, like, 3 hours earlier than that... I' not

L O L. Yes, because Brits love to fucking que up for things. Oh man, I learned that as an exchange student in Ye Olde England.


Right. It sounds like these people are being snuck in. Which does not fall under Thatz Ok.

Now that you are out of the grays I can respond.

How did you make it to your age with no heart?

The problem with the DVD versions of Greatest American Hero is that some of the music had to be changed because of rights issues.

Hell! I had no idea he was the same guy from that show. I loved that show as a kid. 7th Heaven, not so much.

She would have to be...

I kind of like the idea (which is more plausible than I had ever realized) that people who work at the Palace consider it an unofficial perk to bring their hook-ups there for a little bangers and mash, if you know what I'm saying.

My wife is a Brit, I make fun of her all the time for this.

Well it's their fault for giving the palace a name that rhymes with 'Fuckingham'.