
"...there are certain people who are trying to make the whole world eat what they want to eat and do what they want to do. I don't think it's any of their business what I put in my mouth."

And I'm tired of rich people (minority) running this country too.

It absolutely includes children. I know a 13 year old girl who just came over a month or so ago alone to meet family here and she was raped . I am not sure if it was by the detention center or the guys actually bringing her over, but it happened somewhere along the way.

She's baring her shoulders! Scandalous!!

That version makes way more sense. I was fairly young when Pretty Woman came out but even then I was a little dubious of the glamorous hooker turned girlfriend story.

That's Lisa Kudrow and Mira Sorvino in Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, a movie I assumed was going to be stupid but which turned out to be a very sweet and hilarious movie about womens' friendship. I'd post the video of their climactic dance scene with Alan Cumming, but it really should be seen in context

Seriously, could the school admins have missed the point of the movie - that scene in particular - any harder?

Treats her like shit while she is dressed up all pretty and un-slutty, mind you. Because while first impressions might be important, your clothing choices won't keep you from being assaulted.

What's an even more odd choice is using a clip that is a big fuck you to the commissioned shop employee who wouldn't wait on the main character based on her dress. The exact opposite message the teacher is trying to make.

I actually used those same clips with a Hospitality 11 class to demonstrate poor customer service skills. Lol

Now playing

If you watch the movie, Vivian goes back into the store and pretty much gives the woman who wouldn't wait on her the finger. This scene is a "don't judge a book by its cover" not a "you deserve to be treated inferior based on your dress".

Counterpoint: Show them a clip from Clueless. Because even if you have on a white collarless shirt from Fred Segal, you will not pass a test if you don't study for it. Wearing your most capable looking outfit has no bearing on intelligence or scholastic achievement, and schools should be more concerned with that than

Can we talk about how this school is called Devil's Lake High School?! What, are they on a Hellmouth or something? Sounds like the relative sluttyness of students' clothes should be the least of their worries. Maybe they should implement a dress code that includes silver crosses and strings of garlic, instead.

I rewatched Pretty Woman a couple of years ago. Apparently I had forgotten the scene where the Jason Alexander character attempts to assault Julia Roberts. Upsetting.

That's exactly why it happens. They are targeted because they are disempowered, and therefore vulnerable.

Just like you shouldn't apply your opinions about religion or birth control to anyone else either.

I was thinking similar. But also, we never see her in full face makeup pre-surgery. You'd be surprised what a good foundation and concealer can do for you.

OMG. The "filed to" is 4/6 of the Hemingway story in six words! For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn.