I guess it's never to early to instill the message that while men can be superheroes, women can only date them
I guess it's never to early to instill the message that while men can be superheroes, women can only date them
Aaaaaaaand cue the people coming on to say there's nothing wrong with it and it's just kids and none of you have a sense of humor because it's adorable you bitter creatures while simultaneously failing to understand that if we don't reinforce that ANYTHING is possible when you're a girl this is how all this goddam…
This is also why I got skeeved out by the guy at my local Panera wearing a "Dads Against Daughters Dating" shirt, when his oldest children looked to be 5-years-old at most.
Well said. And it's not like it's an isolated incident. It's people getting upset over a set of values that are literally sold to us beginning at infancy. (Or toddlerhood, in this case, I guess.)
I just love when one privileged group tells a marginalized group what is and what isn't an important issue. Baby clothes may not be that important on the surface, but the words on these clothes clearly send a harmful message that is pervasive throughout societies everywhere: a man's worth lies in his skills and…
I was reaching for something better to say than "FUCK TARGET" because that's pretty much how I feel about their Canadian stores.
I had a Wonder Woman dress made for my daughter (I have to have them made because the only super hero stuff for little girls I can find is bullshit like this) and as soon as I put it on her she started to make super hero poses and punching imaginary foes.
Don't worry, Target Canada is doing poorly. Nobody will buy these onesies because nobody shops there.
If you're young enough to wear footie pajamas, you're too young to be talking about dating or getting married. Now, if this had been, "Future Girl Reporter" I could have let it slide.
YES!! Perfect image.
Don't forget OPEN PLAN. God forbid anyone have walls in their house.
AH HA! We should all strive to reference Singin' in the Rain in our every day lives more often.
They remind me of Disney characters come to life. They're very cartoonish in their chiseled jaws and artfully shaved faces. It's just too over the top for me.
As long as they're not drinking vaccines, their babies will be fine.
That's what gets me so riled up about this. These bell-ends are so fraught with the idea that sexuality isn't set in stone; they just want to pigeonhole us all into neat little boxes, be we ovens or sperm shooters. Fuck that.
Reminds me of that story from last week where studying 'female' brains would lead to better assisting research as it applied to 'men and boys'.
Ernest Hemingway, eat your heart out.
Kendall and Kylie Jenner's dystopian young adult novel has sold only 13,000 copies. If this doesn't prompt a thinkpiece about the death of the novel, I don't know what will.