Mostly just transphobia meets misogyny, often directed specifically at trans women.
Mostly just transphobia meets misogyny, often directed specifically at trans women.
Conservatives are lying about ___________.
None of the girls at my high school ever used the showers, including a couple who used to sweat badly at gym and drive home at lunch to take care of the problem.
"A male wants to shower beside your 14-year-old daughter. Are YOU okay with that?"
"Transgender males are allowed to play on girls' sports teams and transgender girls on boys teams."
"Biological males might be allowed to shower, dress, and share hotel accommodations with biological girls, and vice versa."
Notice how…
I think I've seen some reenactments of the stories that you mention. :P
This kind of shit is why it drives me fucking nuts when people try to play off the whole queer equality vs homo/transphobes thing as a "difference of opinion".
This group evolved from a group in Anoka County that passed district rules preventing teachers from protecting LGBT students who were being bullied. It lead to students committing and/or attempting suicide. They are basically horrible awful people. Oh, and shocker of shocks, this is all coming out of Crazy Eyes…
Exactly. Leave if you do not like it.
And we seem to have a transmisogynist hiding in the greys. Please don't feed, just let Kat ban his ignorant ass.
I am 100% in favor of the Minnesota State High School League's policy here. Good for them.
I'm pretty sure that social conservatism as a whole pretty much amounts to a bunch of fearmongering. There's probably some room in there religious (Christian) fundamentalism too. Oh, and a bunch of hypocrisy, don't ever forget that.
Hmmm. Conservatives lying about LGBT issues. Also, water wet and sun hot.
I'm sorry to be the rain today. I often have the same optimism.
So I got to:
Sigh. Deep down, I know that. A little part of me always wants to hope for extreme ignorance rather than deliberate hatefulness.
They knew.
Well, when I was 13 I was just a girl surprised by boobs and periods. By the time I was 15... HUGE SLUT. They have a very small window.
They didn't even try with the language. (Or, equally likely, they knew exactly what they were doing and are terrible, terrible people.)
Right? It's like she's singing out of her nasal cavity.