
Agreed. There are lots of areas where I agree that there's a double standard against female performers, but I'm really not seeing one here. Ariana isn't being criticized having detailed backstage riders (which Van Halen actually had a good reason for including, as they'd been having problems with venues not complying


I'm pretty sure she's a mouse. Duh.

Give him a break. He's confused because he himself shits out his mouth.

Why you gotta be like that, Uncle Phil?

I feel like a month ago, I had never heard of this person. Now I hear about her almost daily. It's kind of...weird. Like she's being Truman Show-ed into my life.

Put a proper shirt and tie on, you schlep. You're not Sonny Crockett.

You'd think any school that forces its gay students to stay in the closet would be all about beards.


"It's a serious issue."

Maybe ESPN's next special will be "Women Explain What it Feels Like to Get Kicked In the Balls".

Coincidentally, this is also the same panel that will be discussing the controversy of showing with gay people. I for one am glad we live in a world where straight men get to give their opinions on things they rarely experience.


Time for a facepalm gif party

This is especially egregious when you consider how much female talent ESPN has at its disposal. Unbelievable.

Ya well I guess according to their worldview, even nurture is determined by the stars?

No, that was a joke.

Fucking people. That's all I got out of this on this Monday.

I'm happy to see this, instead of the weird practice of waiting for a pregnancy or two to get them. When my baby girl grows up, I'm going to present this option to her with enthusiasm.