Good to know who that article was for, I suppose. Any chance you wear some kind of warning label?
Good to know who that article was for, I suppose. Any chance you wear some kind of warning label?
Gee, I can't imagine why you're not having enjoyable sexual experiences with women. Maybe few of them have the patience or stamina to spend hours trying to placate a shrieking manbaby. It's hard to get creative in bed when you're exhausted, or constantly worrying that you didn't do something exactly right. If you…
The only way to fight back at this point is to make dumb, tired jokes whenever any man accomplishes anything. Here's me from now on: "That male fighter pilot will probably get lost because he won't stop and ask for directions. Hyuk yuk yuk."
Totally beside the point, but this parking joke needs to die. A running joke in my family is to name our "less-than-super superpower." For example, my dad's is the ability to sleep anywhere at any time, especially on airplanes. My mom's is her parallel parking ability - which she passed on to me. And I learned to do…
It's even funnier that (as Jon Stewart pointed out on TDS) in the same damn show, he got all faux outraged at OBUMMER for the latte salute because it was 'disrespectful' to our men and women in uniform.
It's pretty offensive to the UAE too. They're our ally and our pundits are treating their accomplishments like this? It's offensive on so many levels.
If you've been watching Outlander, you've probably found yourself thinking: Goddamn, I could use some knitwear. And…
I was just about to say this very thing. "No skullcaps or bandannas" coming from Hulk Hogan actually made me laugh out loud. Only if you're trying to hide your weird pale baldy doll-like hair, I guess.
What will they do at NASA now that they are down one rocket scientist?
He does! After seeing the movie he still came to my friend's party the same night and watched me tell jokes.
NASA, yes, Astronauts, no. I think manned missions are not where we need to be allocating the majority of our resources right now. We should keep it going, but not radically expand that program. We should work on radically expanding the capabilities of unmanned probes.
I know. I would so wish him a fabulous boy-child who loves to dress in drag like mine,so maybe he'd learn a bit of sensitivity, except he would treat him horribly. People like that rarely learn.
Can they be opium-enhanced vegetables?
Well, now I kind of want to try opium. GAWD, HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF TRIGGER WARNINGS