
A good friend of mine breastfed her daughter till she was nearly 5. When I had my daughter I fully intended to go as long as she wanted, but she self-weaned at just over 2 1/2. I missed it. As you say, you’ll never be that close again, but I do think it sets you up for a close lifetime relationship.

I kept mine because I kept it to begin with. Sure makes divorce easier! And we gave our kid my last name because dammit, I carried her for 9 months. So we still share a last name.

They’re going to have to change a whole lot more than their advertising to get me onside, starting with the sweatshop labour:

He’s a good dog, dealing with challenging circumstances. It’s a huge adjustment for anyone, never mind a dog, to go from private home with only people you know, trust, and love, to the White House, where you’re surrounded by people you don’t know and have no reason to trust. And being walked by strangers who may know

Ha yeah, after doing my shot, the nurse was like “I’m really not sure I’m putting this bandaid on the shot or a freckle...” - neither of us could see where the shot had been. Also, some people have had arm pain for days after, but for me, just the one day. One day of nausea and arm pain. Not so bad. But I understand

Got my shot last week (Pfizer) and if the nurse hadn’t done the 3-2-1-jab countdown I wouldn’t even have known she’d done it, it hurt so little. Did hurt the next day though... Also had nausea for the whole next day, which was unpleasant, but...covid would have been a lot more unpleasant and for a lot longer, so, all

A lot is being asked of the poor dog right now. A new home, and not a regular home in any way - hordes of new people, being watched all the time, being walked by people who aren’t his family and don’t spot his cues. Of course he’s on edge!

I’ve definitely thought of it. Obviously not this year, but yeah. There are a lot of airbnb’s here though, and mine would be among the shabbiest, so I’m not sure there’s much money to made there.

I have two (well, one of them’s barely a room) spare rooms as a result of kid moving out. We always had the extra tiny room for guests because our families lived far away, and also the kid seemed so often to have a friend who needed a place to stay, sometimes for months. Divorced now, I live here alone and absolutely

Maybe it will be a bit like the late writer, Jan Morris. Once she transitioned, reprints of all her books previously printed as James were reprinted as Jan. Surely movies can be also be changed.

The Albany bus station. Middle of the night on a bus trip to NY, with my 12 year old daughter. Fucking hell - it stank, only one stall had a door, but it was attached only at the bottom hinge, and none of the faucets worked. 

I’m 58. I walk upwards of 10km in my Chucks on any work day - I’ve walked the soles right through my current pair in the space of 6 months - and my feet are fine.

I’m 58 and have been wearing almost exclusively classic Chuck Taylors longer than I’d like to remember. I walk upwards of 10km on any given work day, and my feet are fine.

No, the best one is the dark chocolate marzipan one. Fight me.

I found her “essay” one of the most incoherent and tortuous things I’ve read. On the one hand, she knows trans people, she loves them!, she supports them!, they’re “adorable”!, but...because she’s got a background of sexual assault/abuse - how in fuck that has anything to do with the issue, I really can’t follow - she’

Not that I know a great deal about them, but I seem to remember them both promoting voting? And he’s Canadian (from my home town) and for sure has been vocal about voting here. Maybe he couldn’t vote in the US?

I think that would be the woman who pissed all over the house. She came to stay for a few days; she had a cough that got worse during her visit, and kept everyone awake at night, but you know, we understood that coughs are not people’s fault and bore with it. We were less understanding about her insulting all of us ind

I have a pair of sorta clog-shaped heavy felt things for myself, as well as various slipper boots for self and guests in winter (my floors are v cold) but also a hanging hamper by the front door of basic flimsy flat felt slip-ons in a variety of sizes, so no matter what the season, and how many guests, there is a

I’ve had a couple. My grampa died the day before my 16th birthday, so that was fun. And then there was the birthday when I came home from shopping with my two year old daughter to find a note on the table from my husband saying he’d left and would come by at some point for his stuff. (It didn’t stick. I went on to

It’s easy to get vegan ink. Kat von D is vegan (yes there are other issues with her, I KNOW) so I’m sure she will be using vegan ink.