
We seem to have reached peak outrage culture. We are now getting pissed off at celebrities for things they didn’t do.

Why is this a video?

We don’t do it by choice, many of us Canucks want to remove her as our official head of state. 

“The best solution is to change the way people eat, the way they live, the lifestyle, and diet,” — Mackey

He’s one of those actors who, when you see his name pop up, you go “Oh Jack Black is in this. Cool.” . He can be a bit much sometimes but he definitely has a goofy, warm charm on screen.

So, on your view, if an evangelical Christian is offended by a song that quotes the Bible out of context, it’s not up to us to question why they are offended, or whether their offense is warranted, or whether we should do anything differently given that they’re offended. We’re just supposed to listen and then adjust

Agreed. I’ve got pretty flat feet, am 40 years old, and Chucks are my go-to. They might not be my first choice if I were going to be walking all day at an amusement park, but I consistently wear them for 12+ hours on average days and my feet feel great. To each her own I guess.


*reads first sentence*

That is appalling.

No no no no no no no nooooo! Even dogs and cats are house trained. Just no! I can’t imagine overlooking the potential diaper rash, UTI and stale pee odor instead of just using a pad. Hell, even wadded up paper towels in her panties might have helped.

With no warning my FIL came to stay with us soon after my first birth. I did not know the man, he didn’t help at all, and he sat in a chair so long he broke it. He is a swaggery old factory worker who warned me of the troubles of picking up my baby too much, interrupted breastfeeding, and went to the brewery in the

My worst was my 6th. It was my first year in school and so the first one where a bunch of kids were invited. And a lot of kids showed up. Sounds good, right? Problem was my alcoholic mother was in no way equipped to deal with a houseful of little kids and parents she didn’t know. So she was taking frequent trips to

There’s something so wrong with our food production and it’s reflected in the pricing more than anything. Where I live a surcharge for non dairy milk is 2 dollars (my preference is coconut or oat) and I never understand why. How is it more expensive to produce oat milk - literally the cheapest grain there is - then

Just be a meat eater without being a dick about it. Also not hard.

I don’t understand why everyone thinks vegan is so expensive. Yes, there are people who live in food deserts and other places where it is difficult to get fresh or cheap ingredients, but like, I had a delicious - vegan - rice and beans stew this week (the pot made enough to last a week) that cost a pittance to make

The worst part is that there were probably far more people immediately realizing that they’re eating meat and being absolutely disgusted for being mislead into eating something they ethically oppose.

Seriously! She bragged about not going to class, and only being interested in parties and game days. GARBAGE.

I’d be there with you buttttttt - she knew she didn’t wanna go and had to have known she was unqualified, but she has been enjoying the spoils of everything that came with this deception, including these sponsorships that came with it. If I had gotten into a school I had no business being in, I would have kept my head