
I spend 8 hours a day doing shit I don’t want to do just to survive. I’ve been poor all my life and I’m vegan - haven’t eaten an animal since 1983. It’s not expensive at all! Literally the cheapest way to eat. Rice and beans and veggies? These things are not expensive.

You have both of my previous animals.

Thats interesting. I dont think I ever experienced mom style either in my own mother, my friends’ mothers growing up, myself or any other mothers I know. For me its entirely a TV/media phenomenon. Growing up in the 60s/70s I remember my mother in a lime green mini dress with go-go boots, in purple hot pants and

My brother had two feline roomies called Steve and Dave.

I cant keep him in my room because the air conditioner is in the next room, so doors must be open if were to sleep cool! Also holy mother of god would he hate that. He’s an ex-street cat so just being kept in the house is bad enough (though he’s adjusting). I love the spray bottle idea, though!

I feel you. I had PCOS and it took...a long time (in the interests of not depressing you further I won’t say how long) to get pregnant, but I did. Had laparoscopic ovarian drilling eventually, and it worked. I had tried clomid, etc with no success. But the ovarian drilling worked like a charm (okay still took 7

I have houseguests coming. Theyre my friends family - she doesn’t have space for them all but I have spare rooms since the youth wing moved out. Thing is I have this cat whom I love with all my heart, who has FIV and cannot be allowed out, but who will try his damnedest to do so. Im so afraid that they will

My daughter has a leopard gecko - has had for many years - and two cats. He (the gecko) has lived with me as well, with cats and dog. The gecko lives in his aquarium and watches the world with interest. He’s intrigued by the cats (was even more so of the dog). Hes not afraid. His aquarium is safe. I mean, cats will

I am drinking fruit water because last night I had wine and liqueurs and whisky and weed and I just really need to detox.

I literally did not tell a single person for more than 30 years. Not my mother, not my husband. Wasn’t till the Jian Ghomeshi thing that I finally let it out of the vault. I do not recommend the bottling-up approach.

Thanks! - I’ll check it out.

Hahahaha, hilarious.

Ugh, really? This is going to be thing now?

I think he learned a valuable lesson, tbh.

Thanks for the advice! I have started on Synthroid (which is levothyroxine, I believe) - two days in, and I can’t say I’ve noticed any difference, but hope springs eternal. He did say it may take some time to get to the right dosage. I’ll be on this low dose for the next 6 weeks, then will have my levels tested and

Yeah, my regular doctor is a woman (she is awesome) but shes on vacation. I made the decision many years ago not to see male doctors if I could help it. Sometimes there’s no other option, though, and then you just have to be ready to fight for yourself.

Oh shit, thats awful. Been there. One piece of advice, when you can, DO share it with people who love you.

I ADORE my red KitchenAid mixer. It was a gift from daughter and friends a few years ago, and instantly became one of my most prized possessions. I don’t know how I ever lived without it! Today it did bread, yesterday elderflower fairy cakes, tomorrow banana bread (or something banana related).

I know, right? I assume that had my hair been a natural colour hed probably have thought first. But literally everyone has said, of my recent hair woes Is it the colour?” 

Really? Well thats hopeful! I am also thinking this may be a good thing all round, because some other symptoms of hypothyroidism - fatigue and depression - are also things I’ve been battling these past couple of years. Maybe this will solve ALL my (non-money-related) problems.