I love how the reverse lights come on, like he’s thinking he can just back himself out of this situation. lol
I love how the reverse lights come on, like he’s thinking he can just back himself out of this situation. lol
omg, Malibu Musk was the shit! I can’t believe I forgot about it—I just remembered Exclamation! being popular.
you’re implying that’s not the actual lyric? well this changes EVERYTHING.
This has long-since stopped being funny and is seriously terrifying now. You know all those dinner party questions that revolve around “if you could go back in time and stop Hitler, would you?”, well HELL, here’s your goddamn chance.
If trolling is your intent, you could at least change the question a bit instead of copying and pasting it. Sorry you’re not getting the answer you must be looking for but most people that support Bernie and/or Hillary are going to support peaceful protests regardless.
btw, our city has a population of around 67,000 and we do NOT have a problem with weapons or violence in the schools. But let’s turn our school resource officers into patrolling soldiers and see what happens!
Just like the regular police force, (in my experience) some school resource officers are great—they legitimately want to help kids and keep them out of trouble, some are power-hungry dicks looking for a reason to flaunt their control. Either way, here’s something terrifying: my local city council approved giving our…
Good point. I did just that! Our media here is horribly corrupt but you are definitely right—reporters should get feedback about these things.
p.s., if we had any kind of journalists in the state, they might have made the whole sex registry connection, but no. Thanks, Jezebel for connecting the dots!
Thank you, Nik Severson! The problem with North Dakota politeness, is that we tend to ignore the crazy anti-choice protesters instead of counter-protesting. I absolutely love this guy’s campaign. And oh, wake up crazies: maybe you should feel a little more threatened by the rapist you’ve taken in on your side.…
You know, that was one of my first thoughts, too. But then my husband pointed out “Patriot Act: they could classify that as an act of terrorism and all rules are off”. And damn, I think he’s right. I really hate the Patriot Act.
Read an article on Jez about how lemon water “gets your metabolism going” as if that’s a fucking thing
I mean, I guess I can kind of see how those reasons you listed make sense. Denial is a powerful thing. BUT after five or six months along, I don’t know how anyone could not notice the kicking, punching, and general wild gymnastics the baby does. That’s some powerful willful ignorance not to think, huh it feels like…
Yeah, my knee-jerk response to that question would have been “yes, especially if it’s a tubal pregnancy”, then I think my eyebrows would have scrunched together while I asked the person if they even know what a tubal pregnancy means.
I'm sorry but I can't resist voicing this: Vanderpump is a name?! A real name? Because it sounds like maybe a porn name or a brand of bizarre sex toys marketing to the Vander-whatevers of the 1%.
that explains the jig
Once again it's just another example of restrictive legislation being done under the guise of being "for women's protection". The only want to do what's best for us precious little flowers, you know. GAG
I wish I had something clever to say about this article, but all I can think is that I love the format you wrote this in. Sometimes pointing out all these things in a straight-up tone falls on deaf ears, but parroting all of the comments back works brilliantly. I love this.