
If I had been introduced to Zachary Quinto on the street.

I'm actually falling on the other side of this line than most Jezzies in that I feel well, not offended, by the word "cracker" but uneasy. I don't think I would be angry at someone for using it as a slur in a conversation in the same way I would if someone used the word "nigger" (I've only heard *that* in person a few

Your username is very apt.

Everyone knows it would really look like this.

Sugar, all the sugar.

I am a poor and I always spend my money like an asteroid is coming. Seriously, I make enough to pay my rent three months out if I have to. Other than that, I eat out as much as I like, and buy poorly-made-but-cool-looking clothes by the armload full. I don't have enough money to afford health insurance or save for

I also use the term lady face! Weird. Is it a reference to something I have long since forgotten? I can't remember when/why it was added to my vernacular.

It looks exactly like this.

I. Will. Cut. You.

He's just waiting for me to come over and brush it out of his face for him and cup his beautiful, porcelain cheek.

LaToya is right. I love napping, slamming beers, and the great out doors. I've never worked a day in my life, and I call this cardboard box down by the tracks my own little kingdom.

It's a double shot of espresso, and dry means more foam in the foam-to-milk ratio. A machiatto is just espresso with a dash of milk and foam, so odds are she's just getting the double shot with foam on top, sans milk.

whatevs, Poopsy McBrains.

This photo makes me personally uncomfortable, say what you will about puritanical ideas of nudity in America. I was feeling a bit guilty/prudish about it and kept scrolling up to look at the picture and then I relized what was off..

Joe Gordon Levitt is my favorite imaginary boyfriend, just don't tell Ryan Little Goose.

Sigh. They would make the cutest couple.

And just as he had come to us, the delightful water nymph returned to sea again.

"holding a bait squid in its arms." uuughhhgawdno.

Species Traitor!

Right there with you.