On behalf of my bottom half I would like to thank you for that photo. Rawr.
On behalf of my bottom half I would like to thank you for that photo. Rawr.
"The first step to solving situations like this is to really get girls to realize NOT TO DRINK around boys"
I am going to eat more oysters, drink less, do more drugs, and quit smoking. I know I can do at least two of those things.
Well la-di-dah to all these commentors writing about how they only had two drinks and aren't hung over in the slightest. I, my friends, got HAMMERED DRUNK last night and made out with tons of attractive people and fell off my bike on my way home and it was all worth it.
"As a teenager I was awkward but now I'm a man and can rock the shit out of a suit." I'm pretty sure this is a quote from the Bible.
Because it is more likely to be an Ezra Pound parody account?
I want to silk screen it on a pillow I can hug on lonely nights.
Are people opposed to eating tilapia? it's one of the staple fish in Louisiana.
Hah, oh no I answered that "In a certain light" it would be exciting. The question made me think of being in a post apocalypse Mad Max movie, which would be cool..Oh dear I'm a crazy aren't I?
Oh you mean that pillar of bones? (Creepy!)
Bele Cher is not a ringing endorsement of your city. Also, Rosetta's Kitchen is not a hotbed of peace-loving hippie love fests of such magnitude that it wipes the slate clean. Wingnuts exist in all forms, don't let them slide because you live in Granola Town.
Your friend sounds like a jerk and you sound like a cutie patootie.
And now I'm watching Wizard People first thing in the morning, having not even gotten out of be yet. Thanks for that.
I died. I'm dead. He's the cutest.
Unless you yourself are ten years old, or are reading this with/to your ten year old, why all the rage at Tracie calling late believers in santa stupid? To quote one burner; "What adult calls any 10-year-old "stupid" for any reason whatsoever? Is this a thing now? That's worse than mean, it's kind of abusive." Where…
"I hope your Christmas present is a plastic bag you can sit in on Christmas Day because you are Christmas Human Garbage."
The first time I remember people asking for their bagels scooped out was about 4 years ago and it was a bit odd. Different, larger city a few years later and it was a common request. It is a bit eye-roll inducing because it tended to be a certain "type" of customer to ask, but we (coffee/bagel shop workers) will do…
Tina Fey, of course.
Got this for you.
I believe that's called "Going to a Restaurant".