If she gets into the handwear business, I'd totally buy some, but only if my buddies do too. Because if you wanna be my glover, you gotta get with my friends.
Seriously? Get the fuck outta here with that picture of a goddamn Fish Taco. What the hell's the matter with you?
This comment is full of grace.
Little Chrissy's future beau.
I worked at Tim Horton's coffee shop when I was a teen. I worked the drive thru microphone and window because everyone else hated doing it and I was the youngest. Of course, as you all know, people can get very angry about their coffee or food orders. Very angry. It was pretty standard to be sworn at, at least once…
SICK of gray - I have been posting for ten years! It's certainly not my fault multiple resets have left me in purgatory.
Am I the only one who feel's like "wholesome beauty" is code for pretty white blonde women? The brown woman equivalent being "exotic" or some such bullshit.
Nope. Nopenopenope.
No need to be an asshole and call my question lazy. I got a better answer than I'd have gotten in a lot of other forums. You seem to think it was a good answer. Why shouldn't I be entitled to it?
This is the most coherent and succinct response to the lazy questions lobbed at these stories. Thank you for taking the time.
It was 9 am and I was crying in a bar having gotten kicked out of my boyfriend's house after moving in only a few hours earlier. Mr. Growley bought me a beer. A few days later, same bar, I called him over when he was coming out of the bathroom, told him I knew he was dealing coke and dragged him to an 80's dance…
The vanity factor has been HUGE in limiting my drinking. It was starting to impact my appearance sometimes and when I quit for 30 days - damn, but I looked great. Vanity is now part of how I control my triggers - when I reach for the 3rd drink, I remind myself of the eye bags and blotchy skin and I back the heck away…