homie on the right is pit sweating something fierce.
homie on the right is pit sweating something fierce.
Seriously? Get the fuck outta here with that picture of a goddamn Fish Taco. What the hell's the matter with you?
Am I the only one who feel's like "wholesome beauty" is code for pretty white blonde women? The brown woman equivalent being "exotic" or some such bullshit.
Nah you are totally right that I am an asshole, however only when merited! Also, large swaths of eastern Europe are in upheaval right now. If you're interested, do some digging, you'll see how much protests like Pussy Riot's are important in so far as drawing attention to the region and Russian politics.
Actually, I found your question to be genuine and, well, inquisitive. I was speaking more to people who are clearly ignorant to current events and seem to think that's a badge of honor, a la "Why is this even news?" Happens on lots of articles. I did not mean to shit on your post, only to praise the answer you…
This is the most coherent and succinct response to the lazy questions lobbed at these stories. Thank you for taking the time.
It was 9 am and I was crying in a bar having gotten kicked out of my boyfriend's house after moving in only a few hours earlier. Mr. Growley bought me a beer. A few days later, same bar, I called him over when he was coming out of the bathroom, told him I knew he was dealing coke and dragged him to an 80's dance…
Being an asshole to the bartender isn't cool, you're right. But yes, hiding out in the bathroom, doing shots with a bunch of rando's and holding court from a porcelien thrown sounds like a good time. I may have a drinking problem.
Oh, agreed, that building is gorgeous! They did paint it a terrible beige colour which doesnt worek and reminds me of ugly 70's track homes. I guess it's easier upkeep than antebellum white. Those columns tho.
That..sounds really fun to me.
I live in a medium sized city in the south and the last chain bookstore, a Borders, closed about two years ago. It's an overpriced Fresh Market now.
Barnes and Noble still exists?
I do like the name Cricket, and on the whole Busy Phillips seems like a cool actress lady, but those reasons are eseentially "It's a hot popular girl's name!" What about naming your kid something because <Name> is the intelligent kid! The kind person at school, who still has a sharp tongue and great wit! Because…
We also don't have heat, little insulation, and our electrical situation can't support space heaters. I used to squat in the north east in the winter, and it was roughly as cold as this right now. Also, I love seeing NOLA Jezzies on here :)
WANT. I dont even care my boyfriend isn't around to see me in them, or doesn't even care for anime, I will prance around in my room by myself and it will be amazing.
This year is shaping up to be pretty horrible. Damn shame, as Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.
My long distance fiance is having a really hard time and the last communication I received from him was a message saying simply "I don't think I can trust you." This is an allusion to a few weeks ago after he…
The posts on his personal Facebook page make it so much more depressing. He talks about getting out of the half-way house and meetings with his parole officer that make him hopeful. He wishes his friends a happy holiday for fucks sake and reminds people not to drink and drive. Ok this guy is probably a moron, but he's…
Oh that was my brother and I. Parents did the weekend switch off in the McD's parking lot because pops wasnt allowed to come to our house, or know where we lived. Dragging my weekend suitcase from one car to another as a preteen was The Most Embarressing thing. Ugh.