Alex Gonzalez

They need to keep away from powered vehicles

That and no one on the show wants to say anything negative about US car makers

over the phone...

Sadly, I admit I owe a lot of my success to following sequence of actions 1) sort function by two orders or more 2) subtotals 3) go to special 4) visible cells only 5) copy & paste

Now I know what to do for the buckeyes!

almost as handy as duct tape

Holy crap

peanut butter and cream cheese!

Their problem, not mine

First world problems...

I'd like a perfectly square monitor in that case

omg i love women

would you say that is efficient, if at the end of the day they are just going to minify their code anyway?

you should be shot if you use your monitor this way

something wicked this way comes

The corners are key, I am surprised you don't see a diagram on the technique for that

Write for them?

Thanks for pointing that out. I think I found the ideal ambient noise by taking the coffee shop chatter, and combo that with rain and a warp core rumble.

A downward spiral to becoming a 'cleansehole'

Can it tell me when it's appropriate to accessorize with a flask?