Can I get an invite for the oneplusone?
Can I get an invite for the oneplusone?
my world ended when he was chosen to be the karate kid
Yep... I had to pull the power cord oit on mine
if it's in a tortilla.... it's a taco!
On a similar note, almost all airlines recently increased this fee
Notepad ++
Never give up, never surrender!
I had the same apprehension once. I went swimming with my nephews and nieces at a public swimming pool. For whatever reason, this particular pool use a sh*t ton of chlorine and of course I forgot my goggles. My eyes were beet red and painful. All of the kids were telling me to put milk in my eyes. I thought it was a…
pretty sure the best ones are ceramic, albeit expensive
pretty sure the best ones are ceramic, albeit expensive
My life needs an editor
it still won't help lebron
Fuck u guys and CNN for this
much less excel
Okay, I get it average cost goes down with a larger area. But folks, I really find that not all places that a larger pizza will necessary COOK better. Naysayers, hear me out, I find that places that cook the larger size pizza have a volatility in doneness. Sometimes the outer crust is delicious but the center is a…
I have one too and I love it but some people have told me that the black one looks too much like a bible so I opt for the red or blue cover
Torsion box shelf
I don't think they compensated for what the area of Earth would be reduced to without all that water.
Can we please make it etiquette that no pictures are allowed of the deceased (like as in their casket)? That is just plain creepy.
It was highly disappointing when the killed the Google Finance API :/ I am still not over that :_((
I zipcar a lot, I mean a lot. This is good stuff