An education initiative based on the idea that just because you CAN have a child, doesn't mean you SHOULD?
THAT, I would fully support.
An education initiative based on the idea that just because you CAN have a child, doesn't mean you SHOULD?
THAT, I would fully support.
The alternative you gave was withdrawing any sort of monetary (for healthcare) support after the child is born, if there were any medical issues.
"Nope! Sorry, you get nothing. You made poor choices, so this kid suffers!"
That is why we provide food benefits, so kids don't starve, because they had the audacity to…
"In-womb child abuse" .... now, I've heard it all.
"You're under arrest for something you did in the past which MIGHT have given this poor outcome, sir—come with us!"
Absurd will be proving that disorders or birth defects are related to specific drug or alcohol ingestion—yes, sometimes that's possible, but given the medical and biological variables, sometimes impossible.
No, she is not an incubator. Wrong. She's the one with the full rights, and not a POTENTIAL person. This has legal precedent.
As someone already pointed out, some hypothetical cases would not be about "selfishness," but addiction, which should be treated like a disease.
No, you're talking about locking people up who MIGHT do drugs or drink, in case they harm a POTENTIAL person. That person is not here yet, not born, and may not even live (whether or not substances are involved). The human rights you've just violated by locking up women and treating them like incubators, however,…
Oh, they used to call this "Bedlam"!
Ahhh, nostalgia for a bygone era!
Boy, in the last decade or two, we have gotten blindly accepting of "lawful" intrusion into our lives—it's for our own good, mind you!
If these all sounded like good ideas, you are a couple of continents away from the point, and you will never connect.
It's still a human rights violation, to lock up a woman for something she MIGHT do, simply because she's an incubator. The human being who's HERE and already born takes precedence. The other is not born, and might not make it all the way here, due to nature, herself. The woman's rights always take precedence. …
Way, way, way, way too common, that addiction stems from depression (and sometimes other issues) and attempts at self-medication. My brother is the same. In the past, he's done every drug known to man, I think. Now, I don't think he's doing any, but the drinking .... he has had some therapy, but that was after a…
YAY, FASCISM! March on, sister!
OH— OH!! He was also the one who made comments during this pregnancy (again, our second, both ending in miscarriage), when I was faced with the most horrible lethargy I'd EVER experienced (nothing like any other pregnancy I'd had), and after working all day, needing to lie down to recuperate, that I was supposed to…
::hugs back::
Thanks. I'm sure that's happened.
To give him the TINIEST bit of excuse (tiny), his ex-wife had gone through many miscarriages . . . so many he'd lost count, apparently. Either that or . . . wait—maybe he was just really the most shit-tastic male . . . ever.
Excuse retracted.
Uterine contractions will often cause diarrhea or near-diarrhea. Or at least cause you to want to poop.
Yes, especially considering during my second miscarriage, my boyfriend (at the time) decided he'd like to go out to the bars with a friend, while I writhed in pain on the couch.
No, you go ahead and have fun, ASSHOLE . . .
We're no longer together. Big shock, I know.
I want to group-hug this whole thread and all its comments. ::sniff::
Jenny, her husband, her story, and "BEAT THAT, NERDS!" will NEVER be topped!
"BEAT THAT, NERDS!" is the best!
I . . . I may be borrowing this.
Though I can't precede it with a story which can—in any way—compare.