I think booking those "all ages" shows are going to be difficult.
(Depending upon your geographical location, of course.)
I think booking those "all ages" shows are going to be difficult.
(Depending upon your geographical location, of course.)
It was all choice, but I'm still chortling over " .... giant gaping asshole of contempt".
Well done.
Actually, your son's actions bother me a little, as well.
Why wouldn't he? Some sort of unspoken brotherhood, in which the girl was "off-limits," now? Touched by one—or the POSSIBILITY that she was "touched"—doesn't allow a friend of his to tread in the same place? Either through some misplaced stamp of…
Oh, sure, the looking and laughing happened afterward, when they were watching the video.
We know that because they were stupid enough to film themselves watching it and joking and laughing.
Sick fucks ought to ALL be charged and rot in jail until their nuts shrivel and fall off.
MRA Alert! This is not a drill. Repeat! This is not a drill.
Please ignore the MRA.
Thank you!
Had no idea. I'm in Iowa, and it feels so much more progressive.
I thought the last time signs of "No Irish" were posted were just after the turn of the (20th) century, not the '50s. Or was Kansas just that behind-the-times?
"Try not to freak people out."
^That's the message. I think we, as a culture, have forgotten that the idea of courtesy is about making the other person feel comfortable, as much as we possibly can. It's not about interacting at all costs, because WE want to, or we think we should.
But, don't you see that's not the message?
With a chainsaw.
If ONLY women had that kind of unity of thought and purpose.
No, it makes you a good student of human nature.
(His accent isn't helping him, either.)
It does not even have to have threatening body language accompanying it, though it could be argued that leaning in that close into a stranger's personal space IS inherently threatening.
I can't see how you wouldn't think it's creepy and/or scary. I think you're putting yourself in the psycho's place, when you really…
COME ON! If some, say, much-larger-than-you, scary-looking person leaned into your personal space, and said, in a low voice, "Good morning"—that would creep your shit right out! Don't even tell me it wouldn't.
GAHH! That IS creepy.
(I was going to follow that with questioning what is wrong with people, but there's just no need.)
Whoops! Sorry about that. It was meant for the same one to whom you were replying. I can only plead Logitech G7 mouse issues. The damn thing sometimes scrolls out of control.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
Adding more alcohol every time something fails, in an effort to get someone so insensate that you can fuck them, is W-R-O-N-G.
Having sex with ANYONE "blitzed out of their minds" is, in fact, and by legal definition, RAPE.
Good luck at your next party. Take bail money.