
I miss the 60s. That's Brigitte Bardot, isn't it? Hot. See, that's hot. (Disclaimer: I'm a hetero female.)

I'd let you kill bugs, but other people are usually too sloppy at that and let them get away (only to plot their revenge, you know), so I've stopped allowing that and just do it myself. With extreme prejudice.

I think it's absolutely the other way 'round. I can be attracted to a person for whom I would never allow myself to fall in love with, because I know they're in a relationship. I would never let it progress beyond that, and it would take a LOT deeper connection than, say, working side-by-side, or being together a

Size 8 is NOT plus-size.

AWESOME. I . . . I don't tweet.

Good and (it sounds) appropriate choice! <3 him. Love the Taltos novels.

Completely and utterly OT, but . . .
Did you nick your nick from a Stephen Brust novel (or several)?

That's pretty awesome. I might have to read this cat.

Why is it always the false dichotomy with these sorts of articles, eh? Gottfried looks like a rabid, constipated ferret, and sounds like he has the personality to match. Being funny isn't an all-access pass. Big shock! Looks matter to EVERYONE. Where has he been? What is he, five?

(Don't answer that.)


Quite all right. I get those "personal" idiosyncrasies. Even though "impact" is accepted—and acceptable—as a verb, I hate it, and see it as trendy, buzzword, business jargon, gone viral.

Click the gifset link. It shows the whole set and he's in 18th century dress and makeup.

I haven't seen Broadchurch—YET. I will, you know I will.
Moffat? NOoooooooooooooooooooooo! Davies, FO-EVAH! RTD! RTD! RTD!

This is an acceptable spelling.

Absofuckinglutely. I don't want to laugh—I want Sexy Time.

#4 - NO! Bad! No nudity with only socks on! No sex with socks, unless you're holed up in a cabin in the Alps, fucking to stay alive.


^^^ I also never use that many exclamation points. What's ... wrong with me?

That is David Tennant in Casanova, IIRC. He's not in DRAG; he's in period costume. That was male, back then. However, the faces and body language ... to me, that is pure, feminine flirt. But ... that's okay. I'll take it.

Matt Smith was good, and I loved Christopher Eccleston, but—come on! To me, Tennant WAS