Ha! I open my own jars!
Ha! I open my own jars!
Well, that's it then. The last reason men are useful has effectively been grown in a lab. I might as well move myself to a deserted island somewhere to live out my days in isolated solitude. Call me if there's anyone left who needs me to open a jar or something.
There's a difference between acknowledging that someone is female and saying "yeah dude, all these females" or "I got with this female last night". Those uses dehumanize women and reduce them to solely bodies that represent their gender.
ScarJo's ad won't be airing at the Super Bowl, though — but that's because it includes the line "Sorry, Coke and Pepsi," which Fox is uncomfortable with. [PopWatch]
Ok. I am a horse owner and farm girl. Not much phases me. I recently started my day by discovering a chicken that had bitten the dust overnight and the other chickens had responded by eating out it's insides... Totally gone - just a chicken with gaping cavern where guts should be. That garnered an "oh gross" and…
Rotting means gas, and gas means pressure. By breaching the cavity with the scalpel, they released that pressure very suddenly, through a very small opening.
I've seen my share of subway rats and I can tell you that they look nothing like the rat in the above picture, with its cute little manicured paws and groomed whiskers. That rat needs to check its privilege.
No...size 8 is not plus sized.
Plus sizes are usually 16+, and she's an 8, so she's not actually modeling plus-sized clothing.
I actually think Russell Brand would make a pretty entertaining Captain Hook. I wonder if the same person will play Mr. Darling/Capt. Hook like in the original stage version.
I thought I'd seen everything the B's were capable of until one got locked in the bathroom by himself and tunneled through the dry wall. WHY WHY WHY?!
I have a Shiba mixed with a German Shepherd. He will sit and whine for nearly an hour in the middle of the night, while snuggled between my husband and I in our bed. He occasionally darts his eyes to the door. He wants to go out and pee, but it's just not worth his time to actually get up and scratch the door or…
Hah. Mine does whatever he wants regardless of whether he's tired or energetic. He's got a little shibpoleon complex.
Hahahaha. My neighbor's shiba stayed with us for a night, and he was a bit closer to the "typical" shiba temperament. He was standing there in the bedroom, staring at us as we slept for like 2 hours. Little black shiba eyes staring from the abyss of night.
I've said for a long time that you don't want a smart dog unless it's obedient. Unfortunately, a lot of super smart dogs also have relatively lower obedience...
I fucking hate it when people do that!