Albert Belle of the Ball

It’s not a drag to play at all.

I’ve seen complaints that the button-mapping for interacting with objects is very inconsistent? I’d consider that a broken control scheme, if you have to continually refer to prompts to know what button does what in each specific instance.

That the fundamental control mechanics are bad, broke or impossible to really work with.

Guaranteed this guy has been part of dead letters.  

I’d love to shame Mr. Rubin here, but who amongst us hasn’t said “I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,” to a totally consensual sex partner?

Funbag has never made me happier than right now. A couple months ago I casually mentioned to some co-worker buddies that I don’t use the toilet seat covers and they were aghast. Came home confused and talked about it with my girlfriend; she was horrified at my behavior. All of a sudden I was the weird one for just

I’m surprised Russell Wilson didn't make the cut.

They should have announced something to the crowd that said Reigns has an announcement that is not part of the show that affects him and his family. Don’t boo, this is for real.

JFC the internet is so awful that I was 4 sentences in before I was sure this was sarcasm.

This is serial killer behavior 

Why isn’t it called ‘Teenage Wasteland’?

Peyton Manning’s United Way bit on SNL is still really funny.

I want to know where sitting in a cubicle nets a fool $100k.

mix it with that loud and get straight gone my man

Go fuck yourself

Dear Baker,

Were they any little baggies in my locker when you moved in? Asking for a friend..

Not like that.

The White Sox minute is a lot darker than I remember.

Now playing

“When the woman called the police, they pushed her to not press charges, saying it was only her word versus his.”