Albert Belle of the Ball

Am I the only one who thinks these reactions from Russ are growing tired? Dudes a superstar. Other superstars in the league deal with this type of shot and it’s water off a ducks back because they act like pros. He’s starting to come off as just a thin skinned pissbaby.

NY Law School? I attended an 8 hour symposium there which my ex-wife was highly involved in and it was just a bunch of fart sniffers who didn’t understand sports talking about law.

Alright I get that St. Louis might have been boring to him but can we stop this pissing contest of what cities warrant being enjoyable to live in? Full disclosure I’m a cleveland Native and have lived here, Chicago, Columbus, NYC, and back again. And Cleveland has been the best one by far. Yeah NY was cool for a bit

Man. This is team is very fun to watch. Finally, Jesus Christ.

In-N-Out stans are super weird and I could only imagine the horror of the comments section on that post.

Don’t even care if this doesn’t make it out of the greys. Baker Mayfield is my god damn president.

Ever had an abscessed tooth so severe Percocet didn’t dull the pain? I cried like a child after hours of that non stop agony.

Spent 20k on the first wedding, ended in divorce. Planned the second in a weeks time in a nice public park with no permit required then had a bunch of us crash a dive bar after. I’ll take the 2nd option all day. Destination weddings make zero sense.

“Dear slim, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin”

Not worth the risk. He was worth the risk as a supplemental draft pick. At this point, dudeman is a lost cause.

Zane Gonzalez has cemented his role in my WYTS for 2019

Jax Biggers sounds like a power hitter from Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on SNES


The dude is in recovery going through a custody battle. He stepped away to focus on his treatment and not relapse during a very emotional/stressful period in his life. I’m not sure why this is so hard for everyone to grasp.

Man, the battlefield can really turn people into monsters sometimes huh?

He is the absolute fucking WORST.

JVG is so annoying. He finds something he doesn’t like then spends 5 minutes pissing and moaning about it while completely ignoring the action the floor. Then they give him camera time to wrap up his little bitchfest. I don’t understand how anybody likes him.

Even the high pitched one sounds like some weird pronunciation of “Harry”

Who the hell thinks this is even close to Yanny?

Cuz we’re all poor and life in Cleveland sucks! GET IT? Nyuck nyuck nyuck