Albert Belle of the Ball

That's why you have the bats wear hats.


...Barkevious Mingo...

Tonight was a bloodbath. The Indians scored more tonight than the Browns averaged for the past...*checks watch...19 seasons?

I can cry foul because he could’ve done this with any team, but chose to just grab an easy ring. It’s completely within his rights to do so, but he loses my respect because with his skill level, he had the chance to join another team and truly earn a ring by beating the best, but chose a completely laughable path

I never thought I’d ever want to see David Stern’s smug mug ever again but alas, 2018. My favorite sport is killing its entertainment value at a staggering rate.

Chef: MY MOM

Some of the worst people on the Internet. 

Go to Barstool. Don’t bother with the articles. Just go to the comment section on any article. I’m serious, I want you to do this, but keep a stopwatch. I want to know exactly how many seconds you last before you tap out. I don’t think you last a full minute. Let me know if I’m wrong. 

I really don’t get the sentiment that times are all that bad. Any and all behavior is acceptable now. Our most ridiculous personalities are, truly, influential. It’s like grade school recess again. Let the good times roll brother.

Well, that’s certainly more intimate than a hug.

Slight correction - 2010 Lakers fans ARE current day Warriors fans.

The Warriors have to have the most annoying fans ever. 2010 Lakers fans are close.

Let’s take a deep breath, everyone. My gut tells me that we Cavs fans have a lot to look forward to before these Finals are over. Like, maybe Draymond Green gets punched.

In the the old Batman versus Superman debate, and it always comes down to Batman needing to have everything work absolutely perfectly. All of his traps, all of his plans, all of his equipment has to operate perfectly with no mistakes to even have a shot at beating Superman. All it takes is one slip-up and Superman can

The weirdest thing was watching the Warriors high-fiving and laughing as if they’d annihilated the Cavs, as if they’d done anything other than narrowly escape from a Game-1 loss at home.

The saddest part is that he will be able to recall each of these moments perfectly for the rest of his life. Meanwhile J.R. Smith can’t remember the score for more than three seconds.

JVG could possibly be fine, except as soon as he gets a bad call to latch onto, he holds onto it like a pit bull and it devolves into whining.

What workplace environments are having the most at-work sex?

In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment