
No. You do not know ANYTHING about this child based on that. You can make assumptions that (frankly) make you look like a douche, but you don't KNOW anything about anyone involved. From the information you have.


Wait... I didn't even SAY starring! Who are you even arguing with?

So you have an issue with my exact semantics, but you take my point that actors are still very involved in animated films? Excellent.

I hate to crush your dreams, but people actually play the characters in Pixar films. They frequently act out scenes and the animation is modelled on them. Also the voices. (You didn't think it was the tiny cartoon people talking did you?)

Definitely in the right direction! :)

Can we assume her life isn't in danger at the time? 'Cause, y'know, perspective an' that.

You're better than they are. I'm sorry that you encountered some of their bile and it impacted you so horribly.

All this made me want to do is cut my hair.

This woman is seriously the only celebrity crush I have ever had. And this is not a crush. It's a full-blown love affair. (One sided. But shush.)

I'd say, the second it was published?

I imagine the back of her head must really have made the shooter deeply afraid for their life. I'VE never felt that way about the back of someone's head, but then I'm not an awful human being.

We're taught to fear ethnic minorities too though. It's all over the media, and has been for a LONG time. I can only assume that it was someone who feared black people and feared women and turned the both into hatred.

Guys, guys, the tongue scraper thing wasn't funny when you started it. GUYS SHUT UP ABOUT GETTING MILEY A TONGUE SCRAPER. Guys.

I want a hot tub full of privilege :(

This isn't quite a scary story, but it's an ouija story so I feel it fits.

Ew ew ew ew EW! If/when I breed, I'm asking my friends to print me t-shirts with friendly slogans like "BACK OFF" and "I WILL BITE YOU IF YOU TOUCH ME".

It's a smile! My friend's dalmatian gives me that look when I tell him off for being huge and slobbery!

Ha, I met Adam Ant. I sang with him briefly, actually. Incredibly surreal. Then his guitarist tried to invite me to the after after party at Adam's house because I guess I looked like I'd be willing to sleep with him to hang out with Adam? Didn't happen. Funny though!

I was in London once and overheard an American say "yeah, I've been to England before... I was in Glasgow though".