I was the other person in that once, but to be fair, I honestly thought Facebook had messed up. Apparently not. Didn't even know he didn't like me. He liked me just fine when he was single and drunk, you know?
I was the other person in that once, but to be fair, I honestly thought Facebook had messed up. Apparently not. Didn't even know he didn't like me. He liked me just fine when he was single and drunk, you know?
6) Ex's friends you were never actually friends with.
Agree! I got rid of my Tamora Pierce books like five years back in a fit of Being a Grown-Up (I was NOT a grown-up) and now I miss them terribly. I'll buy them again one day. And force them on my daughters/sons/nieces/nephews/young siblings/friends' children.
Yeah, as other people have said, the study didn't even come CLOSE to supporting that hypothesis. Also, I'm bi, and my attacker was a woman. I assure you it didn't turn me straight.
Don't want to know. But then, I don't want to know the HILARIOUS details of how much my friends TOTALLY CHUNDERED EVERYWHERE LAST NIGHT either, so you can't always get what you want apparently.
Actually, what I meant was that these things should be taken MORE seriously (barring branding small children terrorists). I think that little boy needed help, and I'm certain his mother did. It was incredibly frustrating to just have to listen and nod and be able to do absolutely nothing.
It's not an issue that's ever been personal to me, so admittedly it's possible that I'd change my mind in a pinch. BUT. If you know you're HIV positive, you're not taking the drugs, and you DON'T insist on condom use, you are harming another person. I get that you might not want to tell everyone you hook up with that…
My father does it with my (half) brothers. First time I met the boys, the 3-year-old threw a massive tantrum the second my father left and trashed some people's picnic. He's six now and he's gotten better, but he KNEW he was being a douche.
I tried that the first year I worked with kids. It worked on occasion, but really more because I was a novelty than because it was a good technique. Now if they refuse to bite after me explaining why once, I just say "because I'm an adult, and when you're an adult, you can be super unfair too".
Eh. I was raised by a mother who was firmly of the "I am in charge, and I am NOT your friend" line of reasoning. We got on great most of the time and she was patient and reasonable and all that wonderful stuff, but I knew that if she told me to do something and I didn't do it, it was my own damn fault when the shit…
I read it, it was great! Not tried the sequels though. Worth reading?
That's the problem with the "feminists" who see the movement as meaning "cis-gendered white women are superior to cis-gendered white men". The rest of the world doesn't exist, and it's all about them fighting the big mean boys.
They were in a relationship though, not just hooking up. I went on the pill and had unprotected sex with my boyfriend. If he had neglected to tell me he was HIV positive I think I'd be pretty upset.
I must admit, I don't understand what you mean? Jezebel link to a lot of Daily Mail articles. Do the Daily Mail do the same or something? (It'd seem a bit weird if they did. Especially with how much they hate foreigners and women.)
I get cravings all the time :) You're fine, go with it. At least you're craving something awesome and not, you know, chicken burgers. (It was terrible. I have it beat now, but gosh it was terrible!)
And things like this are the reason that I'm really starting to go off Jezebel :|
Totally. Article was silly. People don't feel the need to eradicate people who didn't hurt them from their lives. Or I don't; can't speak for everyone. I'm in contact with ONE of my exes, and we're friends, and we never hurt one another, and it's great. The rest? Horrific drama. Not going there. Getting over it…
Yeah, gotta say, I laughed too =P Hang in there!
I know. I had a friend like that once, and I still miss her. I had to get the hell away because she was just a trainwreck and she was dangerous, but she was so beautiful and clever and full of life, and it still hurts. I think I feel sorry for Lindsay because she reminds me of my friend. Heartbreaking.
I'm not talking about sex or rape though, I'm talking purely about the fact that not all 13-year-olds are "stupid" enough to put themselves in that situation. (And also, don't agree with calling them "stupid" either. Niave? Unaware? Overconfident? Not "stupid".) I resent the implication that they are, and this…