
My wife and I were together six years before our fancy 160-person wedding. We were fortunate to have loads of people contribute to the expenses: both sets of parents, siblings, even friends who discounted their entertainment services. Our first year of marriage was the HARDEST. I felt like there was nothing left after

In fairness, there is a certain expectation that peen will be involved when a man is in the mix. But I get what you're saying bc my wife and I used to field questions like "so how does that work?" (Motions between our lady parts.) Thankfully the world has evolved in five years so I can't remember that last time I had

I'm sick of hearing the Red Cross say "The need for blood is constant." Well, Red Cross, if you are so desperate for blood, why do you turn away such a large population of willing donors? They test all the blood for HIV, which can be detected at trace amounts nowadays.

Is that the only shirt War Machine owns or is that a permanent tattoo and he walks around topless* all day?

Chocolate. All the chocolate. I become Patrick "Oh Henry": Give me chocolate or give me death.

I am also not sure how old you are. But when I look back, sometime around 30 I started giving way fewer fucks than I did in my teens and 20s. I think I give away one fuck every birthday, so I can't wait for the day that I have no more fucks to give.

I imagine that dog thinking, "Goddamn, have these fuckers never heard of the saying 'let sleeping dogs lie'?!"

That was actually a really good article, and I'm shocked a tea party fav (or is he just the son of one?) actually admitted race skews law enforcement.

I was in college too. It was scary watching the nationalistic fervor.

Not sure how old you are, but you just reminded me of the post-9/11 panic when towns in Kansas and Nebraska were spending money on anti-terrorism measures. I remember watching the news and talking to the tv, "No one's trying to bomb YOU."

That's why I said traction. In my town, we don't have third parties running. (I'm not gonna state the specific town.) Until third and fourth parties get equal airtime, we will never see any new platforms. Until we stop thinking corporations are people, actual people will not have a voice. Until we stop putting up

THIS. This started as a peaceful protest (though very few media outlets covered that) until riot police showed up. Gee, people assemble to protest police brutality and the cops decide camo, military-grade weapons, and tear gas is the appropriate response? How in the hell did anyone think that would de-escalate the

Stop trying to make monogrammed thermoses happen. It's never going to happen, Gretchen!

You. Back to the greys!

It is all too easy to say we can just vote in new leaders to effect change, but where are these candidates? If I could find one candidate that said, "We need to downsize the police and demilitarize them" I would vote for him/her immediately. But those candidates don't get traction. They don't get fundraising dollars

Agreed. I was one of those who couldn't get out of the grey. I've never posted trollish material, but I actually stopped commenting entirely because no one would see the posts. I know that sounds terribly like "Why won't anyone listen to me?? I'm a very important person!" but it did feel like talking to a brick wall.

And lesbians.


Talk about traumatizing a child. But yes, I see your point about going from a very logical, scientific viewpoint to seeing fire and brimstone and the four horses of the apocalypse. Isn't that why some people believe? Because if they're wrong, no biggie, but if they're right, they at least have an in with the Big Guy.