
The first rule of Crossfit: You ALWAYS talk about Crossfit.

Why are the police moving their barrier into the protestors? Seems counterproductive to keeping the peace. Closing the space within which groups of people can protest will likely just start violence. Is that what they want? The jaded among us think so, but honestly what could be a rational reason?

I’m so glad I marched in Dyke March yesterday in Philly. I wasn’t going to go, but my wife really wanted to. I even told her that I’m getting a little old for the party events during Pride and that I’m proud every day so I don’t really need to be there yadda yadda yadda. Really privileged stuff now that I think about

“Trump is temperamentally unfit to be President.”

This needs more stars.

Just today, my dad said he felt sorrow for my best friend because of her estranged relationship with her mom. I said, “Don’t feel sorry. She’s healthier withOUT her mother.” In fact, she bought four mother’s day cards for the women who actually give a damn about her. I’ve watched my friend’s toxic relationship, and I

I’m a Bernie supporter who is slowly leaning towards Hillary because of her ability to address more than economic inequality. She will absolutely wipe the floor with Drumpf’s own hair. Even Marco got him stumped when he grilled him on allowing insurance plans across state lines. All Donald could say was “We’re gonna

The speech that was used almost word for word was the Katie Couric interview, with Couric played by Amy Poehler whose facial expressions were ridiculously accurate. Palin never actually ever said “I can see Russia from my house” but the newspapers bit was on point, along with Couric’s “but *specifically* which one?”

I too have a history of documented concussions (5), but if I apply what we know about concussions today, I’ve suffered many mild ones playing soccer for decades. We just shrugged and laughed it off at times (e.g. “You were stumbling around, it was hysterical!”). My most recent one was just a couple years ago and this

So poetic, like a haiku.

I use a double honk as “Hey, put the phone down, the light’s green” and a one-second honk if a driver is about to put me in danger. It seems to be the culture in my region too (northeastern US). I’ll usually get a “thanks/sorry” wave from the double tap, never from a steady honk, even if it’s less than a second long.

I love the look of this but I would never consider putting this in the cruiser category unless you could mod it with a larger rear seat and sissy bar. My wife loves the comfort of passenger seating in the Japanese and American cruisers. I like the relaxed sitting position my Vstar affords me, which Ducati attempts

When I started riding, I found a big hole between learning to ride a 250 in the MSF class and purchasing a bike big enough that I wouldn’t trade it in three months later. A bike dealer told me (and I agree in retrospect, despite recognizing this as a sales pitch) that I’d tire of a 250 in three months. But I was so

Tyler, you write long articles but they are never TL;DR. Fantastic analysis. Thanks for the explainer.

The Confederate flag is an apt analogy. I would argue that at least when we remove the flag from government buildings and public accommodations, the racist assholes become more noticeable. When the universities remove Native American nicknames, we can at least see who the ignorant assholes are.

No one is arguing this one change will singularly end racism. No one. You are arguing against a straw man to make your point seem dignified.

“This small gesture of penance won’t end racism, so why do it?”

This is the eloquence I was looking for in my post. None of these mouth-breathers takes into account the feelings of the Native Americans and shouldn’t they have the most important say?

Oh yes, cuz this is all about erasing history and not at all about working to end the stereotyping of Native Americans as perpetually violent.

Welcome to Gawker Media. I am gray on Deadspin because I’ve not yet been deemed worthy enough to be un-grayed.