
I had a relative diagnosed with cancer in his early 70s. The doctor said they could try treatment, but he politely declined and asked to be put in hospice. I thought that was a very dignified decision. He said he was happy with his life, he missed friends and relatives who had died before him, and he had no children

I hope that was a genuine statement bc I like the discussion you've started. You'd be surprised at what is considered PII. We are restricted by HIPAA to send third-party vendors only the information needed for them to perform their service. This means that if I send a spreadsheet to a vendor with names and addresses

Hi I work in marketing for an insurance company. From my understanding of HIPAA based on my company's limitations in marketing to customers, it's not whether someone else identifies the aggrieved party. The violation occurs when PII (personally identifiable information), as defined by HIPAA, is released. The fact

It's because people conflate sexual identity with sexual disorder. As someone downthread said, pedophilia is about power and access. The gender of the victim is not necessarily the driving factor. Saying heterosexual pedophile is kinda like saying the blonde pedophile. It may be an attribute of the pedophile but not

I'll concede that.

As a child, I think I would've been traumatized by the headless nutcracker,

I live in a "blue" metropolitan area, but that doesn't stop the crazies from coming out during Lent. The good news is that you're more likely to have community support if shit goes down.

Not this?

Granted, Disney was in the favorable position of saying, "derp, whaddaya gonna do?" But, as has happened multiple times over the course of LGBT rights progress, stepping aside was the best way to move forward.

It's one of those things that seem really good in theory but does not translate well in reality. I got a lot of fantasies like that.

For realz. Like, I don't stand outside your church and ruin a perfectly lovely Sunday. Ain't you supposed to be resting, bitches?

Ugh, I hate being predictable, but yes, I do love me those Jeep Wranglers.

Years ago, Time published an article on Gay Days and the red-shirt dress code (code isn't the right word since it is not mandatory to wear one to participate, but go with me on this). It mentioned that anti-gay groups petitioned WDW to stop doing them. However while WDW never sanctioned the event, they released a

Goddammit. That's supposed to be the gif.

Like this?

It is great except it is very taxing. The coordinator warned us that we needed to be in a strong mindset to go there, and it is true. PP doesn't want you engaging, so you have to stand there and listen to people proselytize to you. I'm lucky bc my location doesn't tend to get the radicals. Our city location gets

If you go when there are protestors, you should walk through the picket line on a fake phone call and say, "Girl, I'm about to cash in my nine abortions, get the tenth free card! If you say my name at the door, they'll give you 20% off your next one, plus your choice of a box of condoms or a box of Plan B. I always go

You just reminded me of the time when I was patient-escorting and the protestors started shouting, "Don't do it" to a visibly third-trimester woman and her teenaged daughter. I thought, "Goddamn, they aren't even aware that in our state this woman can't get an abortion at this stage." She was very clearly either using

By the way the dude persisted in uncovering how lesbian sex was fun for me, I imagine he was probably the type that wouldn't give oral without 69'ing cuz if nothing was feelin' up on him then he wasn't having a good time.

Ugh, tell me about it! I still remember (years ago when people were more unaware of how rude it was to query me on my sex life) my friend's then-boyfriend hounded me about how sex could be fun when only one person was getting off at one time.