
Yeah well I have other shit I can watch instead. It is getting ludicrous because even the well received shows are being cancelled. Unless the can plan and promise a series, I just don’t see the point in wasting hours of your life on a story with no conclusion. I value my time too much.

The great thing about Andor is that you could change the setting to WW2 Europe, change Galactic Empire to the Nazis and the Rebels to the French Resistance and you’d still basically have the same story. The Star Wars stuff is just set dressing. In a way it’s a lot closer to what George Lucas did with the original Star

I (who also knows nothing about LoL) just watched first season a couple weeks ago and was totally blown away. I say completely without hyperbole, it is an absolute masterpiece.

I have watched these episodes a few times and I am pretty sure Dooku’s voice does alter as he ages and pushes more to the dark side.

The more grungy Henry Cavill gets the better he looks.

1. Henry Cavill is a better Geralt than he is Superman


It also reinforces the point that the dragons are not, as the Targs so often pretend, mindless steeds who function as pure extensions of their riders’ will. The Targs get to ride and semi-control dragons only because the dragons, for whatever reason, decided to let them. Particularly in the case of Aemond, who rides th

Untrue! It added some depth to his character, that he’s not simply a dumb, bloodthirsty dumbass. He’s kind of shown that in the past by basically not killing his brother when he could, and complaining about how he’s the thoughtful one, the educated one, the one that truly deserves the throne. I think this was played

A great episode, and a fantastic ending (seriously, the way Big Dragon of Doom was revealed to already be at Storm’s End, and the way that sense of threat continued throughout the chase at the end, was breathtakingly done).

I went into this cautiously optimistic based on the trailers. It looked like a new take that stayed true to the source where it counted.

Did anyone else feel like this was the moment Alicent just imploded? It's probably not the first time she's had to do this but having Rhaenyra in town probably proved the point to her that maaaaaaybe she's being too much of a hypocrite while shushing her son's rape victim while wearing heavy religious symbols. 

If they had gone out of their way show us the rape it would be gratuitous. As it is I think it’s within bounds. It is not there to titillate nor as misery porn.

It is presented as no stranger than if Vel or Cinta had shared a blanket with Cassian, or Nemik, or Skeen, or Taramyn: it just is.

I remember a lot of noise about the Spider-Man comic he wrote with his son and I swear that’s that last thing I recall him actually producing.

True, they dropped it with zero marketing, but in this case...the show was baaaddd. Even putting aside the fact that it barely ressembles its source material, the show is meandering and boring. Structually, it’s a disaster. Splitting the show between the two timelines do not work, and said timelines get in the way of

Well that’s a relief. For a second there I was worried we weren’t going to get any more Batman movies….

The helmet is a great example of something that sounds cool on paper but looks really dumb in real life

Am I the only one who thinks this show is just ugly so far? I mean, compared to the gorgeous cinematography of Game of Thrones, this show looks like muddy fan fiction.

Exactly, they were perfectly cromulent movies whose reputation benefits from the low bar set by their predecessors. Same for “Wonder Woman.”