
British Airways have 58 active 777s.

And I was at mcCarran two weeks ago. What’s your point?

Wow!!! You’re lucky to be alive:-/

Yeah. I was in a car and past another car that was in a wreck. Good thing I didn't have to test my airbag, you know?

I’m glad you didn’t try the slide, but that’s completely irrelevant to this incident.

Definitely Not Miss Piggy

I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.

Who are the two guys in the photo? Surely they can see the banners hanging off the front.

They’ll never be banned. Universities make too much money from all this.

Rape culture is one in which "he said" is always given more weight than "she said," even when "he" has boasted about being a sexual predator.

The scariest thing I see when these sorts of stories come up is that these young “men” will most likely graduate and many will grow up to become managers, VP’s, and even CEOs. My thoughts are with their future employees.

The thought of greek life being banned from universities actually makes me sexually aroused

I’m all for “bruh-burning”. Going “bruh-less”?

But really, isn’t it about time we asked “Bruh what?” of all of us?

Fred Dobry, Sigma Nu’s national Director of Risk Reduction suggested that Sigma Nu members who live in the house were not responsible for the banners outside of their house. He tells Jezebel, “Sigma Nu Fraternity is investigating this matter, and based on what we know at this point, Fraternity members at ODU are not

Seems like Fraternities around the US will not rest until they are all disbanded and no longer allowed to exist. That is perfectly fine with me.

The worst. There was this one song called Mother Trucker that she hummed all the time. She hummed it like it was a gospel song, she even closed her eyes while doing it sometimes. God I hated that woman. I bet she tells people that I’m her black friend so she can’t be racist.

She looks like someone that will listen to terrible country.