
OUCH. I felt that burn through my monitor. A+

He’s trolling, and a glance at his comment history shows he’s also a misogynist, so I think he should be safely dismissed.

Me! Me! Talk about MEEEE

My favorite thing about Gawker reporting this has been reading everybody's comments who don't know who she is and what her whole schtick has been for about 40 years.

Perfect gif is perfect.

Reading articles about the MTA is always maddening, because nobody seems to understand that the system is NOT expensive for riders, nowhere near what it could be - it is heavily subsidized, and the fare increases are only necessary because we can't get a state or federal government that believes in properly funding

Reading articles about the MTA is always maddening, because nobody seems to understand that the system is NOT expensive - it is heavily subsidized; riders only provide about 30% of the operating revenue, and the fare increases are only necessary because we can't get a state or federal government that believes in

Gaga is starring in American Horror Story season 5.

Mah butchered dick

Impossible. That would require drivers to not be selfish pricks.

My kitty's name, when I picked her up from the ASPCA, was simply Rosalita. I kept that, but added a regal title and a last name. She is now Dame Rosalita Snugglepuss.

Enough with this tired chestnut. They're fucking humans. Terrible humans, but stop pretending the evil among us aren't as terribly human as you or I.

I don't get it either! I have never slept on a flight for longer than the shortest of uncomfortable dozes. Until I can afford lie-flat seats on a first class long-haul flight, I doubt I ever will. It does not matter how early or late the flight departs.

Lol it ended up more just being a picnic, timed around brunch. Wasn't my own phrasing!

I am going through this right now. The wedding was last night. This is now day 4 of events around the wedding. And I'm still going to them. Central Park picnic brunch!

^ This! It's very arbitrary to go down this road of demanding representation for x / y / z in someone's work, just because it's popular.

Hi, homosexual male here.

This. Maybe it's because I live in NYC and I'm just flat fucking fed up with how nobody ever prosecutes speeders here, but Virginia sounds like they know what's what. If NY would send people to jail, full stop, for driving the way they do here, maybe we wouldn't be having children and old ladies getting plowed down

It's because Perry, with her big boobs and ditzy demeanor, exaggerates a lot of aspects of femininity for comedic effect. She is supremely confident and totally irreverent about the music she makes and image she projects. She is the total opposite of pretentious, and the same cannot be said about a single writer on

I'm going twice next year, to see the long night and the long day. Absolutely cannot wait.