
Eh... a dog with ptsd.

We don’t care if it’s exclusive. We care that it’s being made!


OH MY FUCKING GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You know, if you’re going to look down on me and my $10/bottle Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Villages situation, I’m gonna laugh at you because I’m getting pleasantly wasted at a much better price point than you are. The LJB-V (aka “my house wine”) goes excellently with everything, up to and including my budget.

Everything is all about wine and beer these days. Please, trend gods, bring spirits and proper mixed drinks back into fashion. Whiskey is all fine and good, but most people my age who drink it do so because it’s 2 edgy 4 u. Pour that bourbon into a respectable mint julep and maybe I’ll listen.

This is the longest “WAHHHHHHHHHH” I’ve ever read.

I think that you probably just did more to reinforce why people think 'snobby' wine people are insufferable, than you did to refute it.

Counterpoint: Drink whatever wine you like, don’t listen to people on the Internet.

This had already made my day, but then I noticed that it’s filed to “go fuck yourselves”...I bow down to your lack of fucks.

That shut-in thing would be so awesome. People should look into that.

“Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go...”

Actually, that’s exactly what it means. Having a child means changing your lifestyle significantly.

Crying children irritate me just as much as the next person, but the last time I checked, this is goddamn America, and I recognize your right to be on that plane, same as me. Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go because your child might, I dunno, ACT LIKE WE ALL DID

Well, for starters the average high temperature in Qatar this week is...109 degrees Fahrenheit. In the shade.