For US residents who either want to learn more about DV, or help fight against it, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is a great resource.
For US residents who either want to learn more about DV, or help fight against it, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is a great resource.
Was going to post a pic of the burn book captioned "early manuscript" but then I remembered we still don't have images. :( Any idea when we can get them back now that the grays are in effect?
I think what's worse is the way he dismissed her story. "That's all nice but can you answer my question?" Which she did, she told him exactly why she finds it so important to dedicate time to the Investigation Discovery show, even with the demands of her day job. Like Hall said, it wasn't "nice". And his dismissal of…
If I could embed videos I would, but Tom Hiddleston did the challenge too, and while not as amusing as Chris Pratt's, it is Tom in a wet white T-Shirt.…
He was a very superstitious person all around. Not just when he thought people needed to get their "just deserts", he also believed in paying it forward (do good and good fortune will come to you). I don't see how believing in karma is any different than believing in any religion, other than people I know who believe…
For fucks sake, if you need a day off that bad, schedule one off or tell me and we'll make it work...
I don't think it's crazy, but I find this story funny at least (and would love someone at Jezebel to approve me, as I didn't start commenting on this site much until after the greys were abolished)
Wow. I've been reading PostSecret for years now, both in book form and on their Sunday posts on their website, and I've never come across anything like that, if I did I'd be alarmed as well. I have seen quite a bit of "happy endings" since reading them which is what I enjoy. This one is currently on their webpage:
I find it interesting this is coming about shortly after Whisper (and other anonymous sharing apps) were called out by PostSecret (The original anonymous secret sharing project) founder, Frank Warren.
The way he worded it though "you describe yourself, or others as nerds and/or geeks, meaning to be complimentary" seems more to me like he believes actual nerds/geeks are awful and should be ashamed, not the pseudo-geek culture that's emerging in which things like Pokemon and Comic Book Movies are more mainstream…
1.) I'm a geek and proud of it, and a happy person. I don't see how either of these are bad things and you can't convince me otherwise.
It is the oldest profession ...
Not knowing who Debbie Reynolds is I clicked expecting to hear about a song ripping off a Beatle's Classic.
1975 is the year his dad was born. I hate myself for knowing this. I pointed out the MCMLXXV thing in the article about his tatoos being recorded when he was arrested.
I was in Alaska. Mostly during Winter. I still wore them dammit because being cold was better than feeling like they were going to get pinched off or have them fall asleep while I was walking due to blood loss.
I have very wide feet and that usually means I buy men's shoes. I've only ever found two pair of heels that don't feel like my feet are in clamps. :(
I believe they're trying to show how for a time in the 90's the percentage of movies with female lead roles was growing (over half in '92!), and now 30 years later that percentage is shrinking (with a slight reprieve in 2011).
My son is the same way. (Especially picky with his clothes too) and it's not always a bad thing to let them make their own choices. I find it's much easier to get my son to do something he doesn't want to when I give him a little bit of control over the situation. He's been sleeping in the same bed with me for a long…