
We’re toying with having it take place in the world of first responders: EMTs, firemen and police.

I, unfortunately, dont live a lifestyle conducive to having pets, but I steal these ones on occasion for love and snuggles from my sister and my friend respectively.

Literally the only scene I want to see the Joker have in future movies.

Could you be anymore self centered and egotistical?

He has the look, which is easy I suppose since a good portion of it is make up and such. Here’s hoping he can nail the attitude like Ron Perlman did.

Pretty sure it’s always been Robin while he with the Titans, and he only adopted Nightwing as a solo hero. Then other Robins have joined the Titans after Dick left also using the Robin name.

Keep being awesome dude.

I hear you. Star Wars is one of those things where I’ll watch the trailers and revel in them, but I’ll try to avoid all the extra stuff as much as possible. I did it was TFA too. It is great walking into the theater for a Star Wars film and being able to let it surprise you, and it makes me feel like a kid again.

This is equal parts super cute and extremely creepy. What a fun way to spend time with your little siblings though.

Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti have been doing Great with Harley Quinn but wish I saw more female collaborators on that 25th anaversery issue.


I means Varys, my ohone does not like Westerosi names.

Yeah, I understand what you’re saying about Dany, but I honestly cannot name a single person who is following her mainly because they believe she has a legitimate claim to the throne. Visyrs, Tyrion, even Olenna and Dorne, Hell even Jon, none gave a damn about her claim. They follow hee for a variety of other reasons.

As much as I fucking LOVED the LF twist, they seemed to go far out of their way to make that seem like it was coming out of left field. You dont have to be heavy habded with foreshadowing, but still.

No, I’m pretty sure this was after Robb was declared King in the North and she was writing to get him to surrender. He is the one she specifically was writing to.

Female Targaryens can only inherit if there are no suitable male heirs because of the effects of the Dance of Dragons. But more than that, Rhaegar was the crowned Prince so his son and heir (Jon if he is legitimate) would still have a better claim than his younger sister (Dany).