
This comment took an interesting left turn. From “Be wary of white women falsely accusing black men of crimes” to “Let’s not investigate a white woman accusing a white man of something that he has already been known due to do and of something for which she has some corroborating evidence even though a failure to

I still don’t get the complaint. You literally got what they said you were going to get. 

It’s really disheartening that Bungie gave in to entitled crybabies a mere 24 hours after the launch of the puzzle. Can you imagine if Bungie did this with the Last Wish raid? “We noticed that you guys haven’t beat the raid yet, so we’re going to unlock the content for everyone, completely nullifying the efforts of

*looks at the forges*

You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.

Microsoft backed off their idea that lead to that... will Sony have the balls to admit they’ve messed up and do the same?

Maybe try, “My current priorities don’t allow me to look this up for you again in a timely fashion. Please refer to my previous email on the subject.” ?

“In the future, you can find this information here:...” never works... I send a link over and over and they still keep asking... next time I’m going to be like... “Bitch! Bookmark it!”

Working in Minnesota..passive aggressiveness at it’s finest, i find these phrases normal every-day talk, the one i get the most is when you will get pressured by saying “Have WE done this already?” “WE need to get this done” (WE referring as YOU need to do it)

“Can I check with your supervisor about your availability”

Project Manager checking in here:

Are all of these considered passive aggressive? I don’t think some of these are passive aggressive at all!

“Do you have an agenda for this meeting?”

I know that the phrase passive-aggressive is being used sorta tongue-in-cheek here, but as far as I’m concerned there are no meetings that should happen without agendas. I’ve had managers who asked me to flat turn town meeting invites from other teams because there weren’t

Great idea! Most insurances have nurse hot lines that employ registered nurses........utilize these services - they may save you a trip to the ER.

I have a solution to that. I had numbness spreading down my leg and thought I was having a stroke. After four hours of sitting the waiting room, I went to the nurse and told her I was going home because, I understood from their inaction, that they didn't think I had anything life-threatening. I just wanted her to know

Anytime I have iffy symptoms I call my nurse hotline. They ask me various questions and determine whether I should go to ER, urgent care, or see the regular doctor. They're able to schedule appointments for the last two for me as well.

Sorry, but no. Most urgent care centers are set up for sprains, cuts and colds. and a cardiac rule-out is beyond the scope of the majority of them. Even if they can do one, if you're positive for a heart attack then they're going to call and ambulance and have you taken to a center than can perform the appropriate

All power structures are built on some sort of control over sex/gender. Once you control the most basic of human impulses, its very easy to control everything else.

All joking aside: I've never been able to understand why on earth people give a shit about other people's sex lives, provided that it's 1)consensual 2)not with kids 3)not with animals/corpses/freaky shit like that.