I have a fake wedding ring I wear when I go out with friends. If I just said I had a boyfriend it wouldn't discourage many men from trying. Sometimes even a wedding ring doesn't. :/ Yeah, it's sad.
I have a fake wedding ring I wear when I go out with friends. If I just said I had a boyfriend it wouldn't discourage many men from trying. Sometimes even a wedding ring doesn't. :/ Yeah, it's sad.
It sounds like that "unrelated rape charge" was never taken to court because an arrest warrant for that charge is what led to his arrest:
I'm not disagreeing, that's a great point. Just wanted to point out that unlike this politician, Palin always deflected instead of doubling down on the stance.
Sarah twisted her daughter's unwanted pregnancy though to point out "at least she isn't getting an abortion" at every chance, which was her stance again when she was pregnant with her son who was diagnosed with Down Syndrome in utero when she said it still wasn't an option. So it shifted the political discussion from…
Because sex should only ever be used for the purposes of procreation between a married man and woman.
If there was an Eskimo one, I know I would be offended. However, I cannot speak for other ethnicities.
Not sure if racist, but even some of their shirts have stereotypes. Reminds me of the #IAmNotACostume hashtag that always resurges at Halloween.
I was just about to post the same question. Great series if anyone is interested.
There are shirts with variations of it found in touristy gift shops. The most common one I see is "Vegetarian: Traditional Indian (or Alaskan) word for 'bad hunter'. " They have a ton of them at WalMart, make of that what you will.
My employer, like many others, offers a policy on my dependents and spouse included with my life insurance policy which is usually within the $1K-$5K range, which is enough to cover funeral costs and possibly finial hospital bills. The idea being that the employer wants to ensure that their employee is not stressed…
Depending on the type of fur used there are also water/snow repelling properties that are nice in the winter. And fur on the inside can feel uncomfortable/itchy. Most fur coats/slippers/gloves/wraps are lined with something soft that feels good against the skin.
No. And some employers (like mine, which has great benefits) will include a small insurance policy ($1,000 - 5,000) for dependants of employees with the employee's life insurance policy. Most of the time its just enough that the employee wouldn't have a financial burden of end of life expenses (funerals are expensive…
While a life insurance policy on a child isn't uncommon, and are frequently used for legitimate reasons, after all, my employer pays for a $1,000 policy on my dependants. I do, however, believe that two policies amounting to $27,000 (one was a grand total of $25,000 on it's own) seems excessive given that this couple…
It is a great workaround to grandfather in good rates for children who might have 'pre existing' conditions as adults if diseases like cancer, diabetes, or other genetic conditions ran in their family.
I have a $1,000 one on my four-year-old, for no reason other than it is a benefit included in my Life Insurance Policy through my work which pays 100% for the whole policy.
I have a $1,000 one on my four-year-old, for no reason other than it is a benefit included in my Life Insurance through my work which pays 100% for the whole policy.
I have a $1,000 one on my four-year-old, for no reason other than it is a benefit included in my Life Insurance through my work which pays 100% for the whole policy.
How do you report someone's comments? It only gives me the option to "follow" or "share". There are disturbing GIFs in the comment section posted by terwtewt.
"So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."