
We have a lot of local owned and operated breweries in my state, and we love them, and their brews. One that started out just doing their own thing, serving beer at the brewery itself, now also owns a Theatre Pub and one of the most popular restaurants in the state. There's definitely some growlers worth buying.

So I went to High School in a mostly native boarding school. (90% of the student body) And it is one of the best in the states as far as academia and least amount of disciplinary infractions, so they of course employed great teachers. One of them was a white woman, who on first day introduced herself in Tlingit (which

It can, however, make you crazy.

I believe the bottom right is "Quest for Camelot" which was actually pretty amusing when I was young.

Before I even had an ultrasound they used a doppler to listen to the baby's heart beat. Usually you can hear the heartbeat around 8 weeks and get the ultrasound at 12. If you're having twins they can usually tell if there's two heartbeats with the doppler.

I only saw the Imgur link...

Okay, did you get this off Reddit, or Cheezburger? (If you want to see more than the six listed here, click either of the links)

Happy to help.

Yes, born and raised in Alaska, lived in several villages/towns/cities across the state. Anchorage and Juneau and maybe Fairbanks would be your best bets on finding a job in state in your field, though I'm sure every now and again a smaller town would be looking. Especially places like Sitka where there is a large

You'd be surprised. Not saying there are a lot of job openings, but literally any job in a technology/computer related field in Alaska is filled by someone out of state because the programs offered in state (both at the High School and College Level) don't set up individuals to pursue a career in that field.

I agree with you on all points - but I didn't even realise that bit about the Valyrian steel sword bit until you mentioned it. That's pretty awesome.

That was a great line in the book, I'm a little disappointed they couldn't adapt it for the show.

I'm betting we get Val at least as a sorceress next season. Possibly making Dalla and Val the same person instead of sisters. Not sure what her importance would be though since Tormund is already a prisoner in the Show. And it's hard to say if we see Aemon Steelsong as we have no idea if he or the switcheroo ever play

We don't know what happened to him in the books after Tyrion's escape, so I'm excited to possibly see what he was up to during that time since I'm betting they don't want to cut the actor out of a whole season. I'm betting we see him plotting with a known friend before he teams up with a certain band of rag-tag

Many believe there are three dragonriders, one for each of the dragons. Dany bonds more strongly with Drogon than the others, so some think that Viserion and Rhaegal will find their own riders. This is not a for sure thing, it is mentioned in prophecy of the House of the Undying (creepy mansion that they wizard with

I've been drinking energy drinks and coffee sometimes multiple times daily since I was 15 (23 now) and I'm now trying to stop. I get nauseated, migraines, and just an irritated attitude when I don't get enough caffeine (right now at least 100mg daily). It is addictive and is hard to quit when it becomes a habit. I get

Depends on the style of maxi dress, but if you wear baggy clothes (like when I wore sweatpants and a sweatshirt because it's winter in Alaska and it's cold inside in the airport) they will ALWAYS single you out for a pat down.

Don't let it get to you. As a single mother now, my "well meaning" family members have oft commented on my body and need to attract a man, so I know how emotionally harsh that can seem. You seem like a great woman who shouldn't let how she looks define how she feels. As long as you're healthy, that's all that matters

I have no comment to make on Old Navy, I just wanted to say Congratulations on the baby, and I hope you are only "bummed" about how your body looks and aren't letting it really get you down. You just had a baby, a little miracle, of course that changed you!