
Mandatory isn't the right word, but an employer cannot fire you for taking it if you meet the requirements (full time and other variables). Specifics vary from state to state but from the Department of Labor:

Did you not read the article or ANY thing about this issue? The owners of a company (or rather several companies) claim that the company is run based on their religion, therefore their religion is the religion of the company and therefore should be exempt based on those same religious beliefs.

I'm hoping this is another case where they don't rule they way they're predicted to, if for no reason other than it would set a horrible precedent (even if they want to restrict a woman's right to birth control). Some of the justices are worried that companies could use such a right to deny coverage for vaccinations,

I would say tourism is a huge factor. But in small towns in Alaska (and even some of the 'big ones') locals go to the same restaurants and see the same wait staff, sometimes for years. I can name all the waitresses and bartenders at my favorite, and even some of their children. That also would encourage people to tip

I'm not saying not to punish them, just that the reasoning behind it needs to reinforced in a way the child understands in addition to whatever punishment the parent thinks appropriate. Just punishing them over and over doesn't seem to get the same results as when children understand why something isn't appropriate

If you don't want to listen to his/her screaming, then you could place them in another room until they are done. And patience is definitely something every parent needs, I have a lot more now than I did before he was born. I'm sure it'll come to you if the need should arise.

It really depends on the age of the child I think. Like I said my son is still a toddler, so I can only verify what has worked for me with him. If we are at home and he is throwing a tantrum in which he is screaming or pounding his legs on the floor, I let him so long as he isn't hurting himself or being destructive

Not sure if you actually wanted an answer, but the fan theory is that Stan Lee's character in every Marvel (And FOX, and Sony) movie is the same, Uatu the Watcher.

I think a problem I see with many parents is just punishing a child without actually explaining why something they did was wrong. A simple "no" or "stop" will work for one occasion when paired with a punishment (whatever the preference), then the child will repeat the behavior again later on. My son is only three, but

My friends and I used pigpen cipher. Must easier than starting from scratch. We changed the layout regularly though.

Supposedly his father and grandfather have the same tattoo...

Dude, That's not how Roman Numerals work. 1975 = MCMLXXV

Plus they last for freaking ever compared to plastic ones. And they don't turn orange if you store spaghetti in them.

Another amazing version of interval training is the Tabata style, which is a very popular one at our gym. It increases both the aerobic and anaerobic system of anybody using it, with a lot of research to back it up. What it comes down to is eight rounds of exercise with 20 of work followed by 10 second of rest. Each

Pneumonia can be contracted in a lot of different ways and children (especially infants and toddlers) and the elderly are easily susceptible to it. You can contract in either via a virus like the flu or by bacterial infection such as sinusitis. Sometimes you might not even know you have Pneumonia since the symptoms

Bruise Balm containing Arnica Montana, Menthol Salts, Camphor and Tea Tree.

I second this. Ignoring the fact there there are no Wizarding colleges, Felix Felicis isn't that easy to get a hold of, and she apparently doesn't know the Galleon to Pound (or Dollar) exchange, the characters you see here have nothing in common with the real counterparts in JKR's works.

I came here to say the same thing. I'm a single mother living in a town where I don't know a lot of people (I didn't go to high school here) outside my co-workers and family. Since joining derby I have met some amazing people, who come from all walks of life. My derby friends are great, as are our coaches, refs, and

Just wanted to expand on this a little bit: If you use online resources or other non-lawyer means you're likely going to get something generic. A lawyer will also know what the laws are in your specific state if you're in the U.S. My state has a lot of odd laws regarding child custody, and since my son was the reason

I was really scared of gaining weight too. I was really underweight for awhile-because of some hormone troubles, not just body issue one-and was the unhealthy kind of skinny. Eventually after a few years (and a pregnancy) I snapped out of it and started weight lifting and put on more muscle and some fat around my