
Not 'really fat' but above 'healthy levels' is the difference between 'overweight' and 'obese' yes, there's a difference. And I should feel okay with my friends mocking and making me feel bad about my body because they're my friends? THANKS FOR THAT.

I agree. I was in a similar circumstance and I HATED IT. I was super skinny in HS due to a high metabolism and participating in lots of sports. Which also meant I ate a lot, and then my "friends" who were heavier (not really fat, but well above the healthy levels for weight) would practically shame me in regards to

As for as checking the ingredient labels, it's a great idea, however, you really have to educate yourself a little bit on what some of them are. Just because you read "Thiamin Mononitrate" on a beverage and it sounds bad, doesn't mean it is. It's actually Vitamin B 1 (synthetic) and is not a bad thing outright.

IMO opinion it's when the media of a story is switched that SPOILERS are at it's worst. When a video game or book becomes a TV show or a movie. Fans who already know the source material want to talk about what the adaption could/should/would do that fans who don't know the source material are most likely to be

So is this the 21st century version of telling people that the super cheat code for their new game is "ALT+F4"?

Gatorade also works as long as you don't do the low-carb or low-sugar crap. Plus they come in bigger bottles.

Also if you're one of those that wakes up super early after a night of drinking and are feeling hungover, it's usually imbalanced sugar and/or salt levels. Take a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter or something and most can fall back to sleep.

Thank you, was going to say the same thing. Although I have seen people with the Devil's Trap Tattoo they have in the show that they use to ward off demons from possessing them.

One of my close childhood friends growing up was a member of the LDS. She had a strict childhood that I didn't envy, but it wasn't inherintly bad. She didn't get to do anything on Sundays, they fasted every year, and her parents never drank. Not all LDS families are like this, but this was always my first impression

Alaska is a LOT better than what it looked like on her show, as long as you come at the right time of year. And people here are generally pretty awesome (except some in the bigger cities).

Men burn more calories due to size mostly, but also because of extra muscle, which is denser than fat.

And contrary to popular belief, you CAN overdose on Vitamins. For instance, too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to problems including hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and mild nerve damage. While it take a lot to cause an overdose it does

This isn't Palin's first time taking a stand on the issue of athiesm. There was a study in 2008 (election year!) that Alaska has a higher rate of people "unaffiliated" with religion which includes Athiests/Agnostics (about 25%) and even more who are religious saying it "isn't as important". I cannot find the original,

...well most of them anyways.

Say this for akutaq, Alaska's putrid mixture of whipped fat (usually vegetable shortening; traditionally blubber) and berries: What it lacks in, um, not being fucking disgusting, it more than makes up for in the rich lipids and antioxidants the hardy people of the Last Frontier need to get through their pitch-dark