A. Random Asshole

1. I doubt it.

That was the macro version of ignoring Arya last ep.  Everyone forgot Quyburn was working on scorpions.  One wasn't enough at the Loot Train.  Now they have many.

Why?  Are you hoping to be fashionably late to that party? It’s been clear for years all he does now is pig out and describe it in detail.  I wouldn’t be surprised to find out he died two years ago and all these “small updates” were a Weekend At Bernie’s situation.  Fuck him and his shitty writing style and everyone

Keep telling yourself that.  

Tyrion “tried” to bargain with Cersei so she would be shown to be unreasonable. Sansa clearly told Tyrion about R+L=J right after their scene together, and he told Varys. The “teleporting fleet” has been at King’s Landing for a while now.

I used to looooove MXC. When American Ninja Warrior first started I thought it was styled after MXC so I was very confused at how seriously everyone was taking it. I thought they were fucking it up by letting fit people do it because they kept making it through the course instead of bashing off stuff and falling in

I thought Janet cured her and that they were just gathering the quantum particles to experiment on them?

Bye, bitch.

I'm probably seeing Endgame early-ish tomorrow so I'm right there with ya, but with the addition of a screening of a really fucked up documentary on The Amazing Johnathan right before the GOT ep.  That's a fuckin intense 24 hours.

I really like how the more I think about it, the more it makes sense Arya is the one who kills the Night King. It struck me last season that the Starks have a really great dynastic nucleus, but I couldn’t see where she fit into that. Sansa is a smart ruler, always with an eye on practical concerns. Jon is...not the

Remind me who actually killed someone there? Oh right it was you fuckers.

If this were just a corporate exercise it wouldn’t be billed as an ending to anything. They could have kept shit going indefinitely until the movies started to lose money like Sony wanted to do with the Garfield Spider-Man.

I’d bet folding money that more televisions have been broken over one sports game than there have ever been over every comic book movie ever made combined, so yeah it’s a little rich for sports bitches to say shit about being a comics nerd. Fantasy sports leagues are the lazy/stupid fucker version of D&D.

It’s primary season so this is when we hash out who we actually want as a candidate.

Oh no the sportsball snowflake is melting! What ever shall we do?!

The longest I’ve been in a movie theater in one go was for the Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and World’s End) when the last one came out. The tee shirt from that showing is the softest, most comfy shirt I own.

“We’ll just save everyone some time and humiliation and go get our own hamberders, kthxbyeeeeeeeee!”

TLDR.  Stupid nazi doesn't like being called what it is, news at 11.

No.  Go fuck yourself.  If you march with Nazis, you don't get to set the tone of how people talk about you.

Everyone who went to that rally for reasons other than to protest it were/are neo-Nazis/white supremacists. They all took part in the “Jews/You will not replace us” chant. By acting like they’re anything else is tantamount to his lying about seeing Muslims celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey.