
Hah! Suddenly I don't feel so bad about people saying I look like 5 differently-looking black guys. I guess people are just apt to making parallels wherever possible.

Perhaps not at Masters levels, no. But I've studied. Again, having no context on the character or the scene itself, I see a burly bad-ass picking off unarmed henchmen that attack him with the equivalent of wet paper bags. Then, at the end, what is expected to happen, happens. No twist, no nuance, no flair in dialogue

To Luke's point about seeing it in isolation and thinking it's great...the action was rather anticlimactic. Having never seen the scene before, or played the game, I pretty much knew that the main guy would kill the boss after henchman #2 flew at him all wimpy-like. Also, the guy took shots to the torso and didn't

Dickbombing: collared edition.


HA! 13:37.

It ticks all the boxes. It's entertaining as hell. It's a great payoff in terms of the game's story, as you're left wondering just why one of your characters begins the game in prison. And it's something that stands alone, something you can watch in isolation and still think, wow, that was great.

I still can't make out what it actually yeah, cannot be unseen to the Nth power!

There's one with a trailer really close to a wall in the desert (I think the one to the far right on the map), and if you can manage to get behind it as cover, then you can take out everybody and the choppers can't get to you easily.

haha, sorry couldn't help but bite.

I'll be the 12 year-old here. I see a penis head in the space between the two girls' shoulders.

I'll be the 12 year-old here. I see a penis head in the space between the two girls' shoulders.

Oh, the irony.

I'm level 20+ on Pacific Time. I like long walks on the beach, and level 10 survival mode. Friend me:

My one big drawback about this game (online or off) is that there's not nearly enough traffic. I TOTALLY understand that LA-grade traffic would be a buzzkill, and I totally understand drawing objects dynamically online and whatnot...but man it's just too friggin empty sometimes around downtown and vinewood. Ghost town.

Not having much experience in playing online with friends (many are in different time zones, i stay up kinda late, etc.), I'm perfectly ok with randoms...except when they're on headset, which is like half the time.


So you think anybody that plays this game can do all these things, and on the first try, with no cheats? I think you overestimate...people in general. Or perhaps I have a low level of faith in humanity.

"Good one, Biff! You sure do know how to lay into me!"

I'm primarily a hip-hop fan, and don't really know much about rock music. I didn't really care too much about the choice of soundtrack one way or another. To me, most rock is just 'guitar music' anyway; all very samey.