
Dress codes are often how small-minded, cubicle despots get their jollies. They love hierarchy and the games it allows them to play. Later, they go home and someone shoves a cattleprod up their ass or makes them wear a maid’s outfit with their dick hanging out. These two activities are closely connected.

“Riot” is white person speak for anytime there are enough black people assembling in one place to scare them.

Ok, so the cop was charged with murder

That’s a huge part of why Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto games have always portrayed minority groups the most accurately. They consult people in the know, if they’re not already on staff. DJ Pooh (Co producer of Friday) ended up co writing GTA San Andreas after the Houser brothers finished their original script and

The problem is: why aren’t those under represented entering game development? AND regardless of “why”, how do we get them in to the industry?

Except that a woman of Puerto Rican heritage from the Bronx has been bombarded with the “standard” of a white, upper middle class man from the suburbs, so she’d be better qualified to write his story than the other way around. And yet, which way does this tend to go? Oh.

That’s a great point, how devs go to exacting lengths to portray non-existent cultures yet fall on their faces when depicting real people for whom there is near limitless reference material.

....and it’s pretty much exactly what Narcisse thinks we need. The article isn’t just about that one topic, though. The problem with saying “well black people just need to make their own games” is that it implicitly ignores all the other issues he talks about and appears to give developers a pass for doing such a bad

I think this must be like the Japanese equivalent of our own home-grown “stubbly buzz-cut dude with a hoodie and a growly voice.”

But that’s still a double standard, you can’t say its ok to objectify men and not ok to objectify women cause way more women have been objectified in the past. If its wrong for one, then its wrong for both, and if its ok for one then its ok for both. .

Lovin’ the bearded Chun-Li pre-preorder costume

I must say, the whole “all cartoons are only for kids” mentality annoys me.

More blacks in prison in America than everywhere else on the planet combined. So most likely it's an American prison. Nice try though buddy.

1. They're not, 2. There are people in the world who are different than you, learn to deal with it.

Pretty sure this would be under race studies. You're mixing up your discriminations.

dude, if you don't like the way the industry currently is, you say that. every damn time. instead you chose to defend the system the way it is without any real substance or research in your initial comment and THEN followed up by victimizing yourself and continuing to throw out buzzwords like "pc" that ultimately mean

51% of the country is female, what percentage of video games feature the main character as a woman?