
Exactly. Thank you!

Now, is that what people attempt to do though??? Give me 3 examples.

Oh my god. AND WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS????? Education, cultural perception of opportunity, actual opportunity, abscence of portrayal (which can sometimes lead to that cultural perception of opportunity, or lack thereof), and presence in the industry currently.

I feel like Chowder and Ed, Edd, n' Eddy were just as nonsensical *art style-wise*, so I'm not sure I follow your distaste. You kinda have to let go of your aversion to nuanced animation/art styles in cartoons; because these days they're breaking away from your standard Hanna-Barbera/Chuck Jones/Walt Disney school of

I agree with you that yearly iterations of any franchise should probably go away, considering how long it takes to actually make a AAA-quality game. But be that as it may, you're wrong to say that it takes a 'lower educated fool' to take interest in the genre as a whole. Sports are inherently games, so it only makes

Got it. Trollin' Hard (TM).

Are you serious? I'm not super-fluent in 'troll', so I can't tell when it's happening to me. All I know is that, like any other gamer, we sports gamers (which, by the way, we shouldn't all just be pigeonholed into, because I also like RPG's and Action games and Strategy games and all kinds of games, and I'm sure I'm

Sports games don't get enough respect...particularly from people that share your opinion. This game is pretty darn deep, if you look at it's maturation over the years. NBA 2K14 had an actual character story with dialog branching and integrated gameplay decision branches...

This, for most,...

I'm willing to bet they (any game dev, really) wouldn't do the Ice Bucket Hack version of this. They don't want any parts of that.

I couldn't have said it better. Can I use your quote on my Facebook status? I won't until you give the OK.


I might as well be looking at paintings with IR glasses on, and oohing at the texture of the canvas or some shit.

So, let me ask this really newsworthy then? I mean...more so than somebody 100%'ing a hard game like Dark Souls, or other 'equally'-significant accomplishments in gaming? Because—while Kotaku isn't necessarily the NY Times—there seems to be some buzz around the gaming communities abroad regarding speedruns.

Dude, do you HAVE to defend this bullshit? Perhaps you take pride in doing these types of runs yourself, or perhaps you're just white-knighting, but I seriously can't see why you're so adamant in defending a speedrun that doesn't involve playing the whole story (note: I say 'story' because there are always side-quests

Yo man, I totally agree with you. Glitches and exploitable things are only in games because no piece of software is perfect. You only have so much time to develop a game, at some point you've got to put it out to be enjoyed. Exploiting these glitches and whatnot is a meta-game, I think, so this may be what

A call for a Pokémon MMO garnered 41 votes.


Tell that to European Colonialists...LOL

I love what this game has to offer on first impression. I loved it at VGX. But the more of it I see (mind you, not much different than the VGX trailer from 6 months ago), the more I start to think about what I'm missing here. Like...what's the economy like in this game? Clearly you fight people, clearly there's some