
For one, it opens up the imagination of the person playing games in a very 'vanilla' way (I distinctly remember a discussion on a post about a month ago with a guy talking about not wanting to explore nooks & crannies of games). The other thing is that it's no more masturbatory than ANYTHING ELSE on YouTube.

Wait........are you saying you want realism in a GTA game? Like, acute physics and whatnot?

Since we had to draw a line somewhere, this series is going to focus primarily on the PlayStation 3, the Wii and the Xbox 360. Mobile gaming (including the PSP and DS), social gaming and PC gaming (sorry, master race) won't really be included. That said, don't be surprised if you see an article or two about any of

Fair enough. I guess I did miss something.

Administrations get to try things everybody doesn't like. That's pretty much how it works. Sometimes it doesn't work well, and something else is tried with a new Admin. So...let's give this ACA thing a try, see how the market fares, and fix it later if it doesn't work.

I assumed as much, otherwise the internet would've been aflame about it, but as you put it:

Was it a part of a mission to collect alien ship parts? When and where am I supposed to run into this? And you don't even know how far I am into the game. I know it's not necessarily a story element, but everybody doesn't know that.

This looks like a job for MythBusters.

Decidedly calm reaction to something like this. Also, as others have said, pretty darn underwhelming. Probably managed to go tire-to-tire to get the traction up the side so quick.

4:16 = Bruce Almighty :)

SPOILERS IN THIS VID at about 1:50.

Wait...people can still get online? I mean...I guess that wouldn't be a problem, but nobody's actually on there trying to level characters, right??? Them's treacherous waters. At least on fanboyism plzkthxbai.


For what it's worth, and I know it's not a lot, but...

I get a real Ice Cube feel from Franklin when I give him that full-on bushy beard.

Yes to this. Peacocking is an inherently male thing. Although in human society, what is considered peacocking is different than in the rest of the animal kingdom, because we have material things that we can flaunt instead of feathers and vivid color patterns.

Like Hecker and others in gaming, Garriott doesn't think this tendency to draw penises is unique to gamers. He also doesn't think it always has to be shocking. In come cultures, it's not.

I hear that...a blow job is a task that one can loathe, enjoy, or anything in between, just like moving a couch is a task that one can loathe, enjoy, or anything in between. You shouldn't place your prudish sensibilities on the act of fellatio if there are others willing to do it. It's not subjugation, it's not

I have to recommend this comment purely for the wording of your last sentence. Comedy. Gold. a depressingly accurate assessment.