
Could agree with this more.

Part of the problem there is that games in general skew violent, and white or Japanese. What this means is that:

[Let the records show that I never used the words 'racism' or 'racist']

Again...not meaning to single you out, which is why I gave the Chappelle and Lamarr examples others said. I've also been told I look like a few black celebrities, as well as the 'somebody I know' line. I'm not saying that, across the board, all white people think all black people look the same, let alone the fact that

Now playing

So now you see my point, then. Note that other people have mentioned Dave Chappelle as well as Phil Lamar (which, if you put the three in the same room, and next to a cardboard cutout of this guy, none of them would look the same).

c'mon thing you'll be telling me Brad Pitt looks like Keanu Reeves and Tom Cruise and Sting.

...not quite.

I was being chased by the cops for accidentally throwing a tear gas grenade near the Sandy Shores airport, and when I hopped in the garaged plane, the cops on the ground, then eventually one or two helicopters that I managed to lose, shot at the plane.

You know damn well that there's no such thing as North America, map-wise, in the GTA universe. The USA is an archipelago of states and cities.

Sometimes a small part of me wishes I could generate such a long comment thread on a Gawker site...for some reason, I...I think I would feel some sort of accomplishment for that. I know how stupid that sounds, but it's honestly amazing sometimes how much of a fractal pattern such inflammatory comments generate.

You better trademark that idea quick...I can see that already. Although, it does kinda take away from the whole 'DJ Hero' gimmicky peripheral thing.

lol @ "equips"

MAN. This kind of article cannot be published today, what with Twitter and TMZ and the over-sensationalism of such 'scandalous' activity that, apparently, wasn't so far out of the realm of possibility in 1992.

Seems like it'd be messy logistically to manage two entirely different DBs of accounts though: the ones associated with G+, and the ones that just want favorites, likes, playlists and subs.

The only way to genuinely curb this kind of behavior is for us to have a code of ethics that is taught through parenting and private/public education, and reinforced throughout the cultures of the world. I feel like the only reason people go apesh*t in comments is because they don't feel a sense of accountability to

If you're worried about your name and/or information getting associated with the videos you watch, at least for public consumption, then just don't comment on things. You can still have a G+ profile and never use it for anything of note (like commenting).

Good job; good effort! :)

The sheer amplitude/volume of the sound that the gun actually makes (that WRRRRRR) is fucking terrifying to think of in terms of the distance that is covered to still create such a sound. I would probably drop bricks. Of pee.

TF is this??? Some deformed-ass thumb?