Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Ignoring the fact he’s at least a Nazi sympathizer.

The dude treats his employees like absolute hot garbage. He is an anti-union grifter.

It’s their mission to report on automotive news. It’s not their job to cover for certain companies because they employee Americans. That’s more what you would expect from State-controlled news in a communist country. This has been one of the most hyped automotive launches in a while. Getting disabled by a car wash is

I understand that you have your quarrels with legitimate reasons to despise Musk due to his political views white supremacist/nazi beliefs.

calm down snowflake - instead of blaming (wrongly) Bradley, try putting blame where it should be assigned: Musk and his group of sycophant mngt cronies.


Pro-tip: Besides the fact that Tesla just cut a significant number of jobs, and besides Musk’s 56 billionish salary being paid for in part by cut where your weird cucky comment sits. Beside any facts, in service to your fuckin’ Fief Lord or some shit.

“Don’t malign the Tesla Lord, they employ people badly.”

You mean the company that makes quality challenged pointlessly over engineered cars by exploited underpaid safety challenged workers that kills people?  Yea, they need to die, hopefully by being sued out of business.....


Calling out shoddy equipment isn’t wishing doom on his fellow countrymen, it’s calling on Mr. $56 billion to make sure his stuff works like it’s supposed to...

His political views are disgusting.  To call them “quarrels”, get fucked.

Sure, Tesla employs people. Sure, they were important to getting the EV movement started. But at this point they’ve gotten so complacent and listen to so many of Musk’s bad ideas that they need to be called out on it.

I don’t think I’ve done either of those things you’ve accused me of in this article.

I think the only places where it seemed to work (or at least not insta-fail) have been in blue location with similarly blue clientele. When it is in tourist areas or places with more conservative clientele it has had more pushback.

Oh yeah it’s supposed to but if restaurants actually followed the rules there would hardly be any of them in business.

I was thinking it was kind of weird to just pick that one dish at the one restaurant, I wouldn’t be surprised if WSJ(not NYT, or at least that’s what this article says) was just cherrypicking info for the story for the clicks.  It’s a News Corp. publication so anything written in it should be taken with the absolute

I think a lot of people are like poster Dale Peekle where they expect wait staff to always be smiling and happy and they think that tipping gets them better service or food somehow. Me, I know a trash job when I see one and I am happy to tip 25% just so my server doesn’t go home feeling like shit at the end of the

Us restaurant owners would love that too, it would help fix the huge disparities between what servers make versus the cook staff.

Not tipping for bad service may be your choice, but not tipping because the food is bad hurts the wrong people (especially if you don’t say anything and give the server a chance to fix it). 


Could be that too.  Or maybe they’re paying the wait staff better now so they had to up the prices?  I’d pay more for food if the wait staff got paid better and tipping wasn’t necessary.